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Weekly Monster Seminar Jam - Events
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green arrow bulletThe Weekly Monster Seminar JAMs are held on Thursdays at 11:00AM in the Auditorium, unless otherwise noted.

green arrow bulletAll seminars are open to the public. See location and security info below.

September 30
Monster Seminar JAM. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Brian Dennis, Professor, Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, and Division of Statistics, University of Idaho
October 07
Monster Seminar JAM - Sustainability and Marine Conservation: Some Second Thoughts. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Bob Francis, Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
October 14
Monster Seminar JAM - Food web and landscape perspectives on non-native predator introductions in lakes. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Jake Vander Zanden, Assistant Professor, Center for Limnology, Department of Zoology, Univeristy of Wisconsin, Madison
October 21
Monster Seminar JAM - Anthropogenic causes of a state shift in a large river ecosystem: chinook salmon and the Snake River basin.
Dr. Mark Scheuerell, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries
October 28
Monster Seminar JAM - You are where you eat: Right whale foraging ecology and its implications for distribution. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Mark Baumgartner, Postdoctoral Scholar, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
November 04
Monster Seminar JAM - Using Landscape Ecology for Road Systems, Towns, and Urban Regions. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Richard T. T. Forman, Landscape Architecture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University
November 11
No Monster Seminar JAM.
Veterans Day
November 18
Monster Seminar JAM.
Dr. Peter Moyle, Professor, Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis
November 25
No Monster Seminar JAM.
Thanksgiving Day
December 02
Monster Seminar JAM.
Dr. Peter M. Vitousek, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University
December 09
Monster Seminar JAM.
Dr. David Schindler, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta


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last modified 10/07/2004

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