Division of Design, Manufacture and Industrial Innovation (DMII)
supports fundamental research in design, manufacturing and service,
in addition to managing cross-cutting programs supporting small
business and organizational innovation, and fostering academic
collaboration with industry, that encompass all parts of NSF.
The Division of Design, Manufacture, and Industrial Innovation (DMII) seeks to extend the intellectual foundations of design and manufacturing by identifying key research and education issues in partnership with industry, government, and academe, and by funding projects to address them. DMII encourages the submission of proposals by individual researchers and small research groups spanning a broad range of scientific and engineering disciplines. DMII also supports research leading to the improvement of U.S. industrial productivity and the commercialization of new knowledge by the small business community through NSF´s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.
Information on Proposal Submission, Review, and Administration