The Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center (NTIAC) is a full-service Information Analysis Center sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) and operated under contract by Texas Research Institute Austin, Inc. (TRI/Austin) in Austin, Texas.

Goals and Objectives
NTIAC's mission is to increase the productivity of the nation's scientists, engineers, and technical managers involved in nondestructive testing, evaluation, and inspection (NDT/E/I) by providing broad information analysis services of technical excellence.

Collect, review, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and disseminate available scientific, technical, and economic information and data on nondestructive testing, evaluation, and inspection methodology and technology.


Products and Services

NTIAC Homepage

Points of Contact

General Information:			Dr. George Matzkanin, Director
NTIAC Newsletter:			Ms. Jennifer Haven, Editor
Technical Area Tasks:			Dr. George Matzkanin or Mr. Russell Austin
Literature Searches:			Mr. Russell Austin, NDE Division Head
Publications:				Mrs. Shelly Clark, Office Administrator
Technical Inquiries:			Mr. Russell Austin, NDE Division Head


The principal objective of NTIAC is to help increase the productivity of the nation's scientists, engineers, and technical managers involved in or requiring nondestructive testing by providing broad information analysis services of technical excellence. This objective is achieved by collecting, reviewing, analyzing, evaluating, and disseminating available scientific and technical information on nondestructive testing, evaluation, and inspection technology. The technical scope of NTIAC is the entire field of Nondestructive Testing (NDT), Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE), and Nondestructive Inspection (NDI). NTIAC is also concerned with the economic aspects of NDT/NDE/NDI, economic considerations with respect to selection of techniques and processes, and industry trends in applying current safety monitoring and failure prevention. As a national resource, NTIAC provides fast response time to inquiries for analysis, especially where potential failure may occur. The services of NTIAC are available to the DoD, other government agencies, government contractors, and the private sector.

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Technical Area Tasks
Separately funded analytical and technical assistance originating from Government requirements that require special authoritative service and expertise. Representative assignments include:

Technical Area Tasks provide special services of a scope considerably beyond bibliographic or technical inquiries and are separately-funded efforts over and above the basic NTIAC core work. The actual scope and level of effort will vary with each Technical Area Task. Task work originates from requirements of any Government agency that necessitate a rapid and authoritative response. The services required by these tasks include assignments which involve gathering, and/or creating, by synthesis or analysis of scientific and technical information - the most current and useful scientific, technical and engineering information; analyzing and disseminating that information; and providing the required services and deliverables specified in a given task. Examples of current and past tasks include:

Special service assignments are performed in accordance with a statement of work and cost schedule negotiated in advance with the client. In carrying out special service assignments, NTIAC utilizes personnel of the TRI/Austin professional staff as well as outside consultants who have appropriate expertise. Technical area tasks performed by NTIAC may be funded by a DoD client through a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requisition (MIPR). For additional information contact George Matzkanin or Russell Austin. DoD points of contact for Technical Area Tasks are:

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NTIAC Newsletter

A current awareness publication, the NTIAC Newsletter is published and distributed at no charge on a bi-monthly basis to a mailing list of approximately 4,200. Included in the distribution are representatives from academia, industry and various government agencies. The NTIAC Newsletter provides information on the latest advancements in NDT, past and upcoming NDT related conferences, recent NDT contract awards, NTIAC database input, and suggested reading in NDT. For inclusion on the NTIAC Newsletter mailing list, contact Shelly Clark.


NTIAC provides an active publication service to the NDE community world-wide. The principal publication categories are: State-Of-The-Art Reports, Handbooks/Databooks/Data Bases, Conference/Symposia/Workshop Proceedings, Technology Assessments, and Critical Reviews. An order form of current NTIAC publications, along with prices, is available.

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Bibliographic Database

The NTIAC computerized bibliographic database is maintained by continuous surveillance of the worldwide NDT literature, including journals, books, technical reports and conference proceedings. Approximately 60 journals are surveyed for articles on NDT. The NTIAC database currently contains over 50,000 documents and approximately 200 new citations are added every month.

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Direct Access to the DTIC and IAC Bibliographic Databases

DTIC and each IAC maintain separate databases that are accessible through DTIC's online services. DTIC and the IAC's serve the Federal Government research, development and acquisition community including contractors, grantees, and potential defense contractors. Because of the nature of the information that DTIC and the IAC's handle, users must qualify for services from DTIC. The general public can access DTIC information that has been released to NTIS.
Among those eligible to receive DTIC services are:
Although organizations register for services from DTIC, individuals in the agencies are the actual users. These include engineers, scientists, managers, administrators or research efforts, program planners, acquisition specialists and information intermediaries.

To obtain more information about becoming a DTIC registered user, request a registration packet with the necessary forms, and information about DTIC's products and services, by contacting:

Defense Technical Information Center
Bldg. 5, Cameron Station
Alexandria, VA 22304-6145
(703) 274-6871
DSN 284-6871

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Public Access to DTIC Information

DTIC releases unclassified/unlimited technical reports and bibliographic information through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). DTIC documents released to NTIS are indexed in NTIS's Government Reports Announcements and Index; citations to them are available online through the NTIS Bibliographic Data File. This file can be accessed through commercial database vendors. For further information, direct inquiries to:
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4650

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Literature Searches

NTIAC is available to provide on-call, specialized user services for bibliographic inquiries and literature searches. These services provide the user with references to the latest available information relating to their specific NDT problem. Based upon specific user needs, NTIAC conducts a computerized search to identify applicable reports, project summaries, and journal articles. The search output provides references including title, abstract, sources, author, and subject indexes.

For DoD agencies, literature searches of the NTIAC database are performed at no cost. For non-DoD requesters, the price for a bibliography search is $50, plus $3 shipping and handling. There is no charge if the search does not produce productive results. The resulting bibliography is mailed within 7 to 10 workdays after the search is completed. Shipping time may be reduced by 2 to 4 days by using Federal Express for an additional charge of $20.

Copies of articles and documents cited in resulting literature searches are not available from NTIAC. Availability of journal articles and conference proceedings is included in the bibliographic printout; most unclassified reports are available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Although NTIAC does not distribute documents cited in literature searches, assistance is provided, when needed, to locate items not readily available to the requester.

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Specialty Databases

In addition to the bibliographic NDT literature database, NTIAC has two other database services available.

The NDT Products and Services Database contains information on over 7,500 companies and organizations worldwide that provide NDT products, services, instruments, equipment, supplies, and accessories. This database can be searched by company name, geographic area (city, state, country), NDT method, products and services provided, and trade name. Upon request, NTIAC will perform searches of the NDT Products and Services Database for a charge of $50 for up to 100 "hits" plus $1 for each hit over the first 100.

The NDT Standards and Specifications Database contains information on over 1500 NDT standards, requirements, procedures, and specifications from over 40 sources, including ASTM, ANSI, Government and Foreign organizations. Each record contains title, source, issuing date, revision date, and method; the database can be searched by title, source, method, database group or keywords. This database is available for sale on floppy disk in DOS format from NTIAC. Call for price and other information.

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Conference Proceedings

NTIAC has a great deal of experience in collecting, publishing, and disseminating proceedings of conferences, symposia, and workshops. NTIAC also has vast experience in organizing conferences. These activities are, however, limited to areas of interest where no clear professional or technical society predominates, but various organizations can be brought together for common benefit. This was the case when NTIAC arranged conferences on "Characterization of Heat Damage in Graphite Epoxy Composites" in 1993, and "Nondestructive Evaluation Applied to Process Control of Composites" in 1994.

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Handbooks and databooks are engineering reference works containing authoritative information or data. NTIAC designs, accumulates, prepares, and maintains these references on subject matter that is of current relevance to the NDE user community. NTIAC has moved toward producing databooks and handbooks in electronic formats, but does have a hard copy databook in progress. The Nondestructive Evaluation Capabilities Databook is designed to provide an engineering reference for:

Technical Inquiries

The objective of NTIAC's technical inquiry service is to provide prompt, professional, and authoritative assistance on questions submitted by the NDT user community. All of the NTIAC resources are employed in furnishing this assistance including personnel experienced in the practice of NDT methods as well as NTIAC's extensive nondestructive evaluation database. Assistance may range from a telephone response from one of our staff members to a fully developed research and development program.

Requests requiring only a nominal amount of NTIAC staff time will be serviced free of charge. For more extensive technical assistance, technology assessments, critical reviews, and NDT inspection methods, evaluations, and recommendations, NTIAC will estimate the effort and costs required to satisfy your requirement on a case by case basis.

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Texas Research Institute Austin, Inc. (TRI/Austin)

NTIAC is operated under DoD contract DLA900-90-D-0123 by TRI/Austin. TRI/Austin is a subsidiary of Texas Research International, Inc., an employee-held company headquartered in Austin, Texas. Since its founding in 1975, Texas Research International has grown from three to almost 100 employees, and now consists of three wholly-owned subsidiary companies. TRI/Austin conducts sponsored research and development projects in:

Technical disciplines include physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, materials science and computer science. TRI/Austin specializes in basic and applied research in materials development, materials characterization, nondestructive testing and evaluation, polymers and composites development, chemical compatibility testing of materials, specifications development, instrumentation design and development, and product evaluation and testing. On-site facilities at TRI/Austin consist of an ultrasonic/magnetic NDE laboratory for materials including adhesive bonds, metal-to-rubber and composite laminates, a polymer chemistry laboratory involved in formulation and characterization of new adhesives, metal primers and coatings for aggressive environments, a materials laboratory to perform tests of materials, processes and products to ASTM or other customer-specified standards, and a product evaluation laboratory.

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For further information, contact:

Shelly Clark
Texas Research Institute Austin, Inc.
415 Crystal Creek Drive
Austin, TX 78746
Tel: (800) NTIAC39 (684-2239) OR (512) 263-2106
Fax: (512) 263-3530

NTIAC Homepage