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The CoastWatch search interface provides access to multiple satellite ocean remote sensing data and products for a selected geographic region. Multiple products, sensors and satellites may be selected/highlighted by using "[shift]-click" and dates may be entered manually into the text fields or by using the pop-up calendars. After selecting criteria, press [Search] to begin the search process:

  • Search results will be displayed in this area as thumbnails or text listing (based on your selection).
  • Not all of the data or products that are returned by the search reside on this server. Image Unavailable or a broken link may appear if a thumbnail/image is missing or cannot be retrieved from a remote server.
  • Temporal coverage may be different for each dataset.
  • Product information can be obtained from the Data Products section of this website.
  • For each thumbnail or list item returned, clicking on the image/link will open additional options associated with the selected image.

You might just want to see the most recent products from various sensors...

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The NOAA CoastWatch Program is operated within NOAA's National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service (NESDIS). NOAA is a part of the Department of Commerce (DOC).
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