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  Job Opportunities



Positions Avaliable


POSITION TITLE: Nutrition Information Specialist
This position is with Howard University; full-time, non-tenure track position.

LOCATION: Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC)
National Agricultural Library
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2351

The Information Specialist (IS) will work with the Web and Reference Team (WRT) to maintain and expand two World Wide Web sites: Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) (, and (NG) (

  • Provide nutrition reference services to government, educators, and consumers
  • Assist team in evaluation and content management of sites
  • Write subject specific bibliographic publications (Resource Lists) and abstracts for AGRICOLA database

  • Coordinate work of part-time student

  • Precept University of Maryland Dietetic Interns during their technical rotation at the Food and Nutrition Information Center

  • Exhibit Web sites and services at local, regional, and national conferences

  • Market Web sites and FNIC/NG services to target audiences locally and nationally through educational, Internet, and other relevant information systems

  • Review materials for the Dietary Guidance Working Group


  • Bachelor's Degree required, Masters Degree and/or RD required.

  • Course of study: nutrition education or related field.
  • Excellent computer skills and knowledge of other information management software

  • Preferred: knowledge of HTML coding, Web development software (such as Dreamweaver), database knowledge, and graphic software.

  • Bibliographic database searching, preferred.

  • Experience in coordinating projects, particularly multi-agency or multi-state.
  • Minimum of two years experience as a nutrition educator.

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Experience in giving group presentations preferred; marketing skills a plus.

  • SALARY/BENEFITS: Commensurate with qualifications. Benefits available.


    Send letter of application, resume, and a writing sample to:
    Cathy Alessi, R. D.
    Food and Nutrition Information Center
    National Agricultural Library, Room 105
    10301 Baltimore Avenue
    Beltsville, MD 20705-2351
    Fax: (301) 504-6409

    DEADLINE: Applications will be accepted until October 29, 2004, or until a suitable candidate is found.
    Howard University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer

    bullet About the Food and Nutrition Information Center...
    The Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) is a leader in on-line global nutrition information. It is one of several information centers located at the National Agricultural Library (NAL), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

    The Center itself was started in 1971 (with 2 nutritionists) under a reimbursable agreement between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Agricultural Library. The mission was to collect and disseminate information about food and human nutrition. In 1977, the Food and Agriculture Act (Farm Bill) established the Food and Nutrition Information Center as a permanent entity within the National Agricultural Library.
    bullet About Our Staff...
    Today FNIC has a staff of 15 nutritionists, most of whom are registered dietitians. These trained nutrition professionals provide information on food, human nutrition, and food safety. Computer specialists, a web designer, and administrative support are also part of the FNIC staff.

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    Web site Policies & Disclaimers

    Food and Nutrition Information Center
    Agricultural Research Service, USDA
    National Agricultural Library, Room 105
    10301 Baltimore Avenue
    Beltsville, MD 20705-2351
    Phone: 301-504-5719
    Fax: 301-504-6409
    TTY: 301-504-6856
    Web site:

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    This page was last modified on October 2004.