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Division of Shared Cyberinfrastructure (SCI) > All Staff

High-Performance Computational Infrastructure: SCI supports acquisition, operation and upgrading of national infrastructure in support of high-end computation for the academic research and education community. These resources may include: supercomputers; high-capacity mass-storage systems; system software suites and programming environments; productivity software libraries and tools; large-scale data repositories; and the experts and support staff that create and maintain the facilities.

Advanced Networking Technologies and Infrastructure: SCI supports networks of various reach and granularity from high-speed backbone networks that connect high-performance computational resources and high-end instrumentation sites, to wireless networks that connect embedded sensor nodes in remote scientific field sites. SCI fosters deployment of networks as well as development and fielding of networking technologies that enhance cyberinfrastructure. Some of the key areas include end-to-end networking protocols; performance monitoring tools and measurement infrastructure; wireless networks; strategic international collaborations; and testbeds to support trial deployment.

Advanced Services and Cybertools: There is a need for development and support of an array of software tools and services that hide the implementation complexities and heterogeneity while offering clean logical interfaces to users. These tools and services include information management systems and data services, scalable interactive visualization tools, middleware service building blocks for high-end computational resources as well as for networked instrumentations and sensors.

In each of above areas, we stress fielding, testing, and ongoing support of advanced technologies beyond basic proof-of-concept demonstrations. The division collaborates closely across the NSF Directorates and Offices to ensure the advancement of CI will meet the demands of tomorrow's science and engineering communities.

A C T I V I T I E S   S U P P O R T E D
BulletInteragency Opportunities in Multi-Scale Modeling in Biomedical, Biological, and Behavioral Systems

BulletScience and Engineering Information Integration and Informatics

In addition to new funding opportunities, SCI manages ongoing awards that were made under the following activities:

BulletCyber Trust

BulletDistributed Terascale Facility (DTF)

BulletExperimental Infrastructure Network

BulletHigh Performance Network Connections - 2003

BulletInternational Research Network Connections

BulletNSF Middleware Initiative

BulletPartnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure

BulletScience of Design

BulletSoftware and Tools for High-End Computing

BulletStrategic Technologies for the Internet - 2003

BulletTerascale Extensions

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