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Standards and Guidelines Development

 Detailed technical information on equipment, standards, guidelines, training, and testing and evaluation that relate to biological, chemical, and radiological threats can be accessed through the Technical Information Gateway. The Gateway provides user interactive tools to compare equipment, access standards and guidelines, and review field tests and evaluations.

 DHS components and the state and local counterparts will be beset with many private, commercial, and government organizations proposing to develop or deploy existing or new types of radiation sensors or data analysis techniques. At the present time, no consensus standards exist for detection systems that are aimed specifically at homeland security applications. It will be critical to establish minimum performance standards and comparability across a wide spectrum of hardware, software and operational approaches. Without such standards, inconsistencies will lead to ambiguous, misleading or erroneous data that will compromise interdiction programs to prevent a Radiological/Nuclear (R/N) event, jeopardize the health and safety of first responders and the general public, and cause economic loss.

 An integrated measurement infrastructure, supported by standards and protocols, for threat countermeasures is urgently needed by all users of DHS Science and Technology (S&T;) products, especially local, state, and federal first responders. The standards and protocols will address basic functionality, appropriateness and adequacy for the task, interoperability, efficiency, and sustainability. Standards will cover all elements of the S&T; mission including equipment, information, analyses, personnel, and systems. The integrated S&T; Standards Programs will include standards development, performance standards, testing protocols, certification, reassessment, training and acquisition guidelines.

 EML’s primary DHS mission element will be to develop and implement standards for homeland security technologies. EML will apply its expertise in instrument design and performance testing in building a strong program committed to development and implementation of standards for technologies. EML will use its expertise in radiation and radioactivity measurements to improve the science and technology available to prevent, respond to, and recover from catastrophic events that impact homeland security.

 EML will provide leadership in the development of S&T; standards for technologies. The program will include standards development, performance standards, testing protocols, certification, reassessment, training and acquisition guidelines driven by the roadmaps for countermeasure development. Information related to device specification and assessments will be provided through the Standards Information Portal on the EML Web Site.

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