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Frequently Asked Questions


Question: How can I find out the electronic mail address of someone I know who works at JPL?
Answer: JPL e-mail addresses conform to the standard of


Question: Does JPL have a gift shop that sells souvenirs, space-oriented gifts, etc.?
Answer: The JPL Store sells souvenirs, gifts, etc., and accepts mail orders. Since it is located on the Laboratory's premises, special arrangement must be made to visit it. For more information, call (818) 354-6120 or visit the web site at
Question: How can I receive a packet containing printed material on JPL missions?
Answer: To receive a packet containing printed material about JPL's missions & projects, send a request to the address below. Be as specific as possible about what kind of information you would like.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Public Services Office M/S 186-113
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109

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Question: How can I apply to work at JPL?
Answer: You can get information about currently open positions on the employment opportunities web site.
Question: I'm a college student and am interested in JPL internships. How can I get information on these programs?
Answer: Information on JPL student programs is available on the employment opportunities web site or by calling the Staffing and Student Program Office at 818-354-5150.
You can find information on the following programs:

JPL's Summer Program -- Summer internships for students

Academic Part-Time Program -- Part-time jobs while students attend school

Cooperative Education Program -- Three- and six-month technical positions while students are on leave from school

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Question: Where can I obtain pictures from JPL missions?
Answer: Most pictures from JPL missions are available on the web for free. To find images, visit the Planetary Photojournal.
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Question: How can I obtain JPL technical documents?

Many JPL technical documents are available on the JPL Technical
Report Server at Other documents and reports can
be requested from the JPL Library.


Mailing address:
JPL Library
M/S 111-113
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109.

Phone: (818)354-4200
FAX: (818)393-6752


Question: I've heard that JPL has a computer site that offers ephemerides, technical files with information on the motions of the planets and moons. Where do I find that?
Answer: JPL's ephemerides and other physical parameters for solar system bodies (planets, natural satellites, asteroids and comets) are available on the Solar System Dynamics web page.

You can also visit JPL's Solar System Simulator to view planets from different times and places.

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Question: How can I arrange to go on a tour of JPL?
Answer: JPL tours are conducted regularly by the Public Services Office. For more information, please visit their website.
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Site Manager:
  Susan Watanabe
Tony Greicius, Jason Heidecker,
Andrew Rader
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