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Diversity Office


Our Mission

The Diversity Office supports the Laboratory’s mission to do world-class science by providing a pipeline of qualified, diverse candidates; by recommending to the Director policies and procedures that ensure (1) equitable treatment and opportunities for all employees, (2) an environment free from harassment; and (3) encourage respect for individual differences.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity Laws are anti discrimination laws. The laws that impact employment practices are in title VII of the Civil Rights Act. In accordance with these laws, employment decisions involving hiring, promotions, and compensation will be based on qualifications and performance regardless of an individual’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship, age, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law or executive order.

As a Federal Contractor Brookhaven National Laboratory is required to follow federal regulations regarding Affirmative Action Compliance for minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance is the Federal Agency responsible for enforcing these regulations.

Our Award-Winning Office Office Awards

DOE 2001 EEO\Diversity Award

United States Department of Energy 2001 EEO\Diversity Award Presented to Brookhaven National Laboratory for demonstrated excellence in implementing a sound, systematic, and effective approach to Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity.

Innovative Solutions for Independent Living (SILO) Award
(March 2000)

SILO'S Barrier Busters Award presented to Brookhaven National Laboratory for developing innovative solutions which reduce or eliminate employment or workplace barriers for people with disabilities.

Employer of the Year Silver Honoree 1999

Presented to Brookhaven National Laboratory by the National Business and Disability Council. Awarded for recognition by staff and associates, as a leader n expanding employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Brookhaven National Laboratory has made recruitment, employment procedures, accessibility and accommodation policies a priority, setting high standards for other employers to follow.

1999 NYSRA Business/Industry Award Nomination
(Long Island Region)

"Brookhaven National Laboratory has been proactive in furthering the education, training and employment of persons with disabilities, the are a role model to other organizations and well deserving of the New York State Rehabilitation Association (NYSRA) regional award. Francine Tishman Executive Director, Abilities Inc.

NYSRA "The 1999 Business/ Industry Recognition Award " to Brookhaven National Laboratory "Partners in Employment" "Working with rehabilitation agencies making the most of people's abilities." 

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Last Modified: October 22, 2004