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The EnviroSuite Strategic Initiative

State-of-the-art synchrotron-based molecular environmental science (MES) research supports DOE’s mission of protecting the environment by helping to provide the fundamental understanding required to develop and deploy cost-effective remediation strategies for the nation’s most pressing contamination issues.

The experimental tools at BNL’s National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS), one of four DOE synchrotron facilities, are unique within the Eastern United States and approximately 10% of the 2,500 users that visit the NSLS each year conduct MES research. As this user community has grown dramatically over the past decade, researchers have been forced to conduct experiments at heavily over-subscribed beamlines that are often not optimized for MES research.

The EnviroSuite Strategic Initiative was intended to establish a unified voice for this diverse community and work with the NSLS to develop the synchrotron-based resources required to conduct world-class MES research. EnviroSuite is collaborating with the NSLS and the Center for Environmental Molecular Science (CEMS), an institute based at Stony Brook University which provides the framework for a broad range of synchrotron-based environmental science as well as outreach activities to stimulate new research. CEMS is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and U.S. Department of Energy.



Last update on: March 18, 2004