These items are designed for the teacher to use in the classroom or
as background reference material. There is also information about programs that provide
training and other
opportunities for educators.
- Marine Careers
- The site includes overviews of the fields of marine
biology, oceanography, and ocean engineering; a look at what the future
is likely to hold for careers in these fields; links to a wide range of
additional resources; information on salaries in various marine science
fields; and other great stuff. This site is a project of the
Sea Grant Programs at the University of Maine/University of New Hampshire,
and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It is based
on the publication Marine Science Careers: A Sea Grant Guide to
Ocean Opportunities.
- Ocean Explorer
- The United States is a country of explorers, but it is only recently that our
country has faced the difficult task of exploring our final frontier: the
oceans. Over the past few decades we have significantly increased our
understanding of the oceans and we are increasingly aware of
our dependence on the oceans for healthy fisheries, clean habitats, and the
potential to discover new medicines and answer questions about global
climate. Yet, 95 percent of the ocean remains unexplored. This site provides
a platform to follow ocean explorations in near real-time, to learn about
ocean exploration technologies, to observe remote marine flora and fauna in
the multimedia gallery, to review NOAA's 200-year history of ocean exploration,
and to discover additional NOAA resources in a virtual library.
Lesson Plans from Ocean Explorer
The Deep East 2001 Voyage of Discovery: Classroom
teachers working with NOAA during July 2001 developed
a series of lesson plans for students in Grades 5 – 12 that are specifically
tied to the Deep East 2001 Voyage of Discovery. These lesson plans focus
on cutting-edge ocean exploration and research, using state-of-the-art
technology, aboard one of the nation’s most sophisticated research vessels,
the R/V Atlantis and its submersible Alvin. The lesson plans focus specifically
on the importance of ocean exploration and the research taking place
during the Deep East 2001 Voyage of Discovery, and feature such topics as
deep-sea corals off George’s Bank, biodiversity and materials transport at
the Hudson Canyon, and gas hydrates on the Blake Ridge. The lesson plans were
developed for Grades 5-6, Grades 7-8, and Grades 9-12 (chemical, biological,
earth, and physical science).
The Bridge - Ocean Science Education Teacher Resource Center -
This is a site where teachers will find a selection of the best online
resources for ocean sciences education. The goal of the site is to
provide educator with content-correct and content-current marine
information and data; to support researchers in outreach efforts; and to
improve communications among educators and between the education and
research communities. "The Bridge" is supported by the National
Oceanographic Partnership Program, the National Marine Educators
Association and the national network of Sea Grant educators. Sea Grant
a partnership program funded by NOAA and the states in which the
programs exist.
Science with NOAA Research - This web page provides middle school science
students and teachers with research and investigation experiences using
on-line resources. Teachers will find information that will help them prepare
students for investigating the various sites in this program. Even if the
teacher does not have much experience in using web-based activities in science
classes, the directions are easy to follow. Topics include ocean
temperatures, currents, fisheries, and the Great Lakes.
A Resource for Teachers - This resource guide, originally developed as
part of the 125th Anniversary activities for the National Marine Fisheries
Service, can be used in the classroom for students K-12. The packet includes
48 marine fisheries and marine resources worksheets or outlines (plus
answer sheets) which can be photocopied.
NOAA's Resource Guide for Teachers of Marine Science
- This resource
guide was prepared by staff of the National Marine Fisheries Service to
provide a guide on Coastal Awareness in
Science for elementary, junior high and high school science teachers.
Its purpose is to promote the exploration of ecology and coastal
awareness. The guide is divided into a reference to books at the
elementary, middle, and high school levels; as well as a section on
teacher resources with curriculum guides, lesson plans, bibliographic
collections, etc. and audiovisual materials for all age levels, includes
CD-ROM, Film and Video. This guide can also be found in a .pdf format
at noaabibl.pdf.
Marine Education Links - Another page on this web site has Marine
Education links in categories: aquariums, oceans, whales, and
environmental groups. this link is useful for getting to
non-governmental partners of NOAA.
The Sustainable Seas Expeditions Teacher Materials - The Sustainable Seas
Expeditions strive to provide high-quality marine science teaching materials
that are linked to national standards in science and geography. One of the
main goals of the SSE is to provide teachers with the tools to bring new
technologies, new knowledge and new learning opportunities to students.
The Land-Sea Connection: A Teacher Curriculum - This teacher curriculum
was developed to complement a new full-color, bathymetric and topographic map of the
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (information about the map can be found at
http://www.mbnmsf.org/pages/sanctuarymap.html) and to help students
increase their understanding of science and geography. This curriculum also introduces
students to the excitement of real-time underwater exploration with a research mission
called Sustainable Seas Expeditions (SSE) on the Internet. The authors of this curriculum
recommend using the SSE Teacher Resource Book as it contains many more ideas and
activities for enriching and supplementing your science curriculum:
"La Conexión de Mar y Tierra" (The Land-Sea Connection: A Teacher Curriculum) -
This is a Spanish translation of the teacher curriculum of The Land-Sea Connection, which
was developed to complement a new full-color, bathymetric and topographic map of the
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (information about the map can be found at
http://www.mbnmsf.org/pages/sanctuarymap.html) and to help students
increase their understanding of science and geography.
Interesting and useful information abounds on Hawaii Sea Grant's
award-winning Sea Squirt website. First, visitors learn that "after
finding a suitable rock or place to call home, juvenile red sea squirts
no longer need their brains, so they eat them. Shaka the shark doles out
advice for kids visiting the
beach. "Don't stand on coral reef," and "Use the restroom, not the
ocean," are two of his points. Downloads include a marine activity
workbook, several coloring and activity books and marine life icons for
your computer. Links for teachers, kids and parents, a quiz to test
knowledge of Hawaiian sea life and a virtual aquarium are more features
on the site.
The Coral Reef Resource Guide - A Compilation of Activities for Middle School
Students. - The breathtakingly beautiful coral reefs of the
world cover less than a half of one percent of our planet’s sea floor. And yet,
these magnificent underwater empires are home to an estimated 25 percent of all
oceanic species, a dazzling diversity of sea creatures. Like the teeming metropolis
of Rome, a coral reef “was not built in a day.” Rather, the coral heads in a
reef grow at a painstakingly slow average rate of half an inch per year and
require epochs of geological time to amass into reefs and coral cays.
Guía de Recurso para Arrecifes de Coral - Una Colección de Actividades para
Estudiantes de Escuela Intermedia - Los escpectacularmente bellos
arrecifes coralinos del mundo cubren menos de la mitad de un uno porciento
del fondo oceánico de nuestro planeta. Aún así, estos magníficos imperios
sumergidos, son el hogar para aproximadamente el 25 porciento de
todas las especies oceánicas, una impresionante diversidad de criaturas marinas.
Al igual que la rebosante metropolis de Roma, un arrecife de coral “no se
construyó en un día.” Es más, las cabezas de coral en un arrecife crecen a la
penosamente lenta velocidad promedio de media pulgada por año y requieren de
épocas geológicas para acumularse en arrecifes y cayos coralinos.
What is Sea Grant? -
Through this site, teachers can access the web sites of their local programs,
which are located in coastal and Great lakes States and
Puerto Rico, and each of which has developed its own method
of providing marine and coastal information to teachers. These methods include summer inservice
programs, newsletters, lectures, speakers, field trip assistance, and curricula materials in
print, electronic and video formats.
Sea Grant Media Center Education/General Information Page
- To help
teachers navigate the many pages of the world wide web, here is a
selection of Sea Grant sponsored education web sites.
Sea Grant Media Center - This site provides access to the world of
marine research and resources available through the National Sea Grant
College Program. Links include: Sea Grant News; Coastal Science
Experts; Sea Grant on Radio; Sea Grant's Marine Science Calendar of
Events; Sea Grant State Program Web Site Directory; Sea Grant Programs'
Newsletters, Magazines; Sea Grant's Coastal Tourism Web Sites & Marina
Net; Other Coastal & Marine Resources on the Web; Sea Grant Programs'
Publications Directory & Ordering Information; as well as a search
The National Sea Grant Depository - The Depository is an archive of all
Sea Grant publications and includes more than 72,000 items. This site
is a searchable database in which teachers can enter key words to find a
variety of materials. Examples of searches that teachers may consider
include: classroom activities, curriculum, marine mammals, etc. Many
of the publications are available on-line in a pdf format. Also,
interlibrary loan is available to teachers, scientists and individuals
for research/study purposes. Topics include: Introduction to Searching
the Database, Recent Acquisitions, Loan Policies, Video Collection,
Ordering Sea Grant Publications, and Links to Sea Grant Home Pages.
COAST Resource Guide - This guide, intended to be used by teachers to
structure classroom activities, is divided into two sections to reflect
the different emphases and requirements of elementary/middle school
programs and high school programs. The elementary/middle school section
was developed from the award-winning Operation Pathfinder "Best of the
Best" and is an electronic version of the Resource Guide for
Oceanography and Coastal Processes.
National Ocean Service Educational Materials
- This web site provides teachers with the opportunity to learn more about corals and tides and
water levels. Educational subjects are organized into the following sections: An Online Tutorial in
an easy-to-follow format and in plain, reader-friendly language and an educational "Roadmap to
Resources," which complements the subject introduced in the tutorial, and points to specific data
offerings within the NOAA family of products. Each subject's section is designed to work together,
but they are comprehensive enough to be used on their own.
National Undersea Research Program
- Education is everyone's job. Teachers and students cannot do it alone. Hundreds of National Undersea Research Program (NURP) scientists go underwater each year to study coral, reefs, volcanoes, mud and much more. While NURP's main mission is scientific research, its scientists also share their results through partnerships with education and outreach programs.
The Teacher at Sea Program
- This program allows a teacher in grade K-16 to apply for the
opportunity to serve as a researcher on NOAA Ships. The current
application materials and ship schedules are available on-line.
A complete application consists of Form A: Participant's
Application; forms B and C: Supervisor and Colleague Recommendations;
and the Medical History Questionnaire.
You need to send your completed application packet at least 3 months
prior to your desired sailing date.
- Estuaries -
Where Rivers Meet the Sea
- This site has two purposes:
1. Provide information on National Estuaries Day activities, such as
Estuary Live and local National Estuarine Research Reserve and
National Estuary Program events.
2. Serve as a long-term resource for information on the importance of
estuaries and the need to protect them. This is an interagency Web
site intended to provide students, educators and the general public
with information on a variety of estuarine issues.
Education in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System
- Education
has always played an important role in this office's resource protection
mission. Successful education programs include student curricula, field
trip programs, adult lectures, teacher workshops, volunteer programs and
a wide variety of printed media. This site leads into additional
educational sites in the system.
Habitats of North Pacific Marine Fish - This exercise teaches how fish prefer
different parts of the ocean. Temperatures vary in different parts of the ocean, and
different fish are adapted to live in these different temperatures. Students color in a
map of the North Pacific and then add stickers of different fish species based upon
information provided on where the fish like to live. This version also includes a key
showing a correctly completed version. The link will provide a downloaded,
color printable version of the exercise and "print your own" fish stickers in
Adobe Acrobat format. This page takes at least 90 seconds to download. The fish stickers
are printed on Avery laser labels, style #5160.
Viewing Protected Marine Species in the Wild -
This web page helps the public understand its responsibilities to marine mammals
in the wild. The National Marine Fisheries Service is responsible for managing and
protecting whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals and sea lions, and it has regulations
prohibiting feeding these marine mammals in the wild. There are also restrictions
as to how close we can get to these animals.
National Marine Sanctuary Education Activities - The National Marine
Sanctuaries Act of 1972 that established our nation's marine sanctuaries
set forth several specific national goals. Science and education were
two critically important goals identified in the Act. Guided by these
legislative goals, the national program and field offices have evolved
major scientific and education programs and activities over the past two
decades. Educational activities from the various sanctuary programs can
be found at this web site.
Tales of Whales, Turtles, Sharks, and Snails: An Elementary Level
Education Handbook - This is a marine study guide for Grades 4-6. The
purpose of this publication is to increase the awareness, knowledge and
literacy of elementary students in marine-related subjects Also, it's
not necessary to be in proximity to a coastal environment in order to
benefit from the activities presented in this handbook.
The National Marine Mammal Laboratory's Education Web Site - In the
interest of inspiring young people to learn about and care for marine
mammals, the National Marine Mammal Laboratory has created this
"Education Web" site. With its array of pictures, the quiz, links to
other world wide web resources, and science-based content, this site is
designed to answer basic questions about marine mammals and marine
mammal science. The Education Web site has two sections, a marine
mammal science and career section and an animal section.
Musical Habitats - This is a classroom activity or game that is written
for grades K-5 and on the web in a .pdf format. It teaches students
about 6 different marine habitats in a active setting.
NEMO Education - the newest frontier in oceanographic research is
within 200 miles of the coast of Oregon. Explore the deep ocean hot
springs and the deep sea creatures.

Publication of the NOAA Education Team.
Last Updated: 6/30/03