September 16, 1991 ------------------------------ Using The CD-ROM ------------------------------ The 1990 Summary Tape File 1A software was developed on a COMPAQ Deskpro 286 with 640K RAM operating under MS-DOS 3.31. The software was compiled with Clipper (Summer '87). There are no special display requirements. For direct access to the data files, one of the many software packages which recognize the dBASE III Plus (.DBF) format will be very useful. Users of other types of systems, such as the Apple Macintosh, have access to the files through support for ISO 9660 CD-ROMs. Please note that the retrieval software will only run on IBM-compatibles operating under MS-DOS. Type GO at the DOS prompt and ENTER. Example: L:\>go ------------------------------ Contents Of The CD-ROM ------------------------------ Volume in drive is CD90_1A DOCUMENT Directory for documentation files. These are ASCII text files containing the complete technical documentation for the data. GO.BAT Batch file to execute data retrieval software. STF1A.EXE Data retrieval software. Database Files for Each State - is the FIPS State Code Data Tables - see \DOCUMENT files, especially HOWTOUSE.ASC. -------------------------------------------------- STF1A0ss DBF P1 - P10 STF1A1ss DBF P11 - P12(pt. 2) STF1A2ss DBF P12(pt. 3) - P12(pt. 5) STF1A3ss DBF P12(pt. 6) - P12(pt. 8) STF1A4ss DBF P12(pt. 9) - P13(pt. 1) STF1A5ss DBF P13(pt. 2) - P19 STF1A6ss DBF P20 - P35 STF1A7ss DBF P36, H1 - H20 STF1A8ss DBF H21 - H40 STF1A9ss DBF H41 - H55 Reference Files STF1STRU.DBF This file describes the structure of the first 67 fields in the STF1A0 segment. These are the identification fields. TABLES.DBF This file describes the numeric data tables. CNAMESss.DBF This file contains a list of county names and FIPS codes for State ss. Index Files CNAMESss.NDX This is a dBASE III index file for CNAMESss.DBF. Key field is ANPSADPI. STF1AMss.NDX This is a dBASE III index file for STF1A?ss.DBF. Key fields are SUMLEV + CNTY + COUSUBFP + PLACEFP + TRACTBNA + BLCKGR. STF1APss.NDX This is a dBASE III index file for STF1A?ss.DBF. Key fields are SUMLEV +PLACEFP. STF1ATss.NDX This is a dBASE III index file for STF1A?ss.DBF. Key fields are SUMLEV + CNTY + TRACTBNA + BLCKGR. STF1ALss.NDX This is a dBASE III index file for STF1A?ss.DBF. Key fields are SUMLEV + left(ANPSADPI,1). This index is UNIQUE. TABLES.NDX This is a dBASE III index file for TABLES.DBF. Key fields are TABLE + FIELD. ------------------------------