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Export Import Bank of the United States Export Import Bank of the United States
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News & Events | Seminars & Symposia | Seminars for Exporters

Washington, DC
2 Day Exporter/Lender Seminar

Trade Financing Solutions for Lenders, Exporters, Brokers and Intermediaries: $499* (2 days)

Ex-Im Bank offers a 2-day seminar designed to give exporters, federal, state, local officials, and others an in-depth knowledge of its trade financing products. Other government agencies involved in export finance will make presentations. The seminar also includes project finance, country risk analysis, legal issues, new policies, and administration and disbursement procedures of loans and guarantees. Case studies are used to reinforce understanding. The seminar begins at 8:30 a.m. and adjourns at 5:00 p.m. each day. Opportunities are given to meet with members of Ex-Im Bank's staff. Representatives of lenders attending this training will be added to the Ex-Im Bank "Lender Referral List" which is available to exporters seeking financing.

* 449 Reduced Rate for Small Business Exporters


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