ePME Logo Bringing efficiency and consistency to R&D Management, the E-Government R&D Portfolio Management Environment, a Department of Energy initiative

Project Status

eIDK Test Period

SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 - National laboratories that will utilize the Electronic Interface Developer’s Kit (eIDK), can test their XML translations. [read more]

Production Test Coming Early 2005

SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 - ePME will conduct a production test beginning early in 2005, with full system deployment and use scheduled to begin in June 2005. [read more]

eIDK Prototype Evaluation Completed

AUGUST 26, 2004 - The beta test of the eIDK prototype is complete. [read more]

Training Schedule Delayed

AUGUST 23, 2004 - Due to a partial overlap in the STARS/ePME user community, the ePME project will postpone training with its user community until late October and early November of 2004. [read more]

Site Administration Manager (SAM) Training Schedule

JULY 21, 2004 - The revised training schedule for SAM classroom and Webinar training has been released. Based on comments and feedback from the preliminary schedule, the ePME Training Team tried to accommodate everyone’s needs, though we realize that this may not have been possible in all cases. [read more]

Electronic Receipt and Review Deployment Coming September 30

JULY 21, 2004 - Electronic Receipt and Review is scheduled for deployment on September 30, 2004. The ePME system software will be deployed in the Department of Energy’s Application Hosting Environment, and will be accessed by up to 32 DOE organizations. [read more]

eIDK Beta Test Scheduled for July 2004

JULY 21, 2004 - The Electronic Interface Developer’s Kit (eIDK) was beta tested from July 13 to July 19, 2004. [read more]

Electronic Receipt and Review Training Underway

JULY 21, 2004 - On June 29, ePME Site Administration Managers (SAMs) received the first round of training for Electronic Receipt and Review during the SAM Kickoff Webinar, which was attended by 64 individuals and included a live system demonstration. [read more]

eIDK Training Scheduled for July 13

MAY, 2004 - On July 13, the ePME team will conduct training on the eIDK to selected national laboratories. Time and length of the training is to be determined. [read more]

ePME Lab Demonstration Webcast May 26

MAY, 2004 - To ensure that the national laboratories are prepared for the full deployment of Electronic Receipt and Review, ePME has asked members of SLCCC to identify laboratory participants for a May 26 ePME Lab Demonstration Webcast. [read more]

Thank You to Electronic Receipt and Review Pilot Participants

APRIL, 2004 - Thank you to those that have participated in the Electronic Receipt and Review Pilot Training. [read more]

ePME Prototype Training: Scenarios for Success

MARCH, 2004 - From March 9 through April 2, 2004, more than 50 participants from DOE headquarters, the national laboratories, and field/site/operations offices are receiving training on the pilot release of ePME's first module, Electronic Receipt and Review (of laboratory proposals for new and ongoing R&D activities). [read more]

Electronic Receipt and Review Prototype Release

MARCH, 2004 - We are ready to deploy the first release of ePME in March! ePME will release the Electronic Receipt and Review of laboratory proposals for new and ongoing R&D activities module as a limited prototype on March 15, and will release Electronic Receipt and Review as a fully-functional module by the end of September. [read more]

Project Changes

MARCH, 2004 - Technical advances have enabled ePME to combine the remaining two modules and submodules into one second module, Electronic Portfolio Management, which will enable more effective R&D portfolio management and significantly improve project execution time. [read more]


Page updated: September 21, 2004