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National Suicide Prevention Plans:

  • National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England
    The Department of Health of the United Kingdom has stated a goal of reducing suicide in England by 20% by 2010. Details of the nation's suicide prevention strategy are available at this link, including both an on-screen and a PDF version of the strategy document.

  • Australia: National Suicide Prevention Strategy
    Australia initially developed a national youth suicide prevention plan, which has been recently expanded to target all age groups. Both the youth plan and the new plan are available here, as well as several documents relevant to youth suicide prevention that have been produced by the Department of Health.

  • New Zealand
    New Zealand has a national youth suicide prevention plan.

National and International Suicide Prevention Organizations:

  • The Centre for Suicide Prevention, Manchester, England
    The Centre for Suicide Prevention at the University of Manchester brings together projects on policy and service planning. This United Kingdom research centre in the field of suicidal behaviour carries out studies of suicide and homicide by those in contact with mental health services.

  • International Association for Suicide Prevention
    The IASP was established to provide an international forum to prevent suicidal behavior and alleviate its effects. It produces an academic journal (The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention), holds international conferences on a bi-annual basis, and provides information on research findings.

  • Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
    This Canadian organization was founded to provide information and resources to Canadian communities and to advocate for policies designed to reduce the suicide rate and minimize the harmful consequences of suicidal behavior.

  • Irish Association for Suicidology
    Established in 1996, the IAS sponsors an annual conference and aims to facilitate communication on suicide, promote awareness of prevention measures, and encourage formation of support groups to help the bereaved.

  • Suicide Research and Prevention Unit, Norway
    The Suicide Research and Prevention Unit was established in 1996 at the University of Oslo. This national resource center in suicidology funds research, knowledge dissemination, and counseling. It offers postgraduate study in suicide prevention and publishes a Norwegian journal called Suicidologi.

  • Suicide Information and Education Centre
    The SIEC is a special library and resource center, located in Calgary, Canada, that provides information on suicide and suicidal behavior. Care giver training in suicide intervention, awareness, bereavement, and related topics is also available at this site. In 2002, the Centre initiated a new division designed to identify research projects focused on suicide prevention.

  • Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention
    The aim of the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention (AISRAP), located at Griffith University in Brisbane, Queensland, is to promote, conduct, and support comprehensive intersectoral programs of research activities for the prevention of suicidal behavior in Australia.

  • University of Oxford Centre for Suicide Research
    The Centre for Suicide Research aims to conduct quality research, disseminate research findings, collaborate with others in preventing suicide, and provide training opportunities for researchers.

  • Association Quebecoise de Suicidologie
    This Canadian organization uses information exchange and advocacy to foster suicide prevention in the province of Quebec. (In French.)

  • Aeschi Working Group
    The Aeschi Working Group is a small group of clinicians and researchers from a variety of nations dedicated to the improvement of the therapeutic relationship between health professionals and suicidal patients. The site contains reviews of the literature and highlights new developments in understanding the suicidal process.

  • International Academy for Suicide Research
    Located in the Netherlands, this organization was formed to promote high standards of research and scholarship in the field of suicidal behavior by fostering communication and cooperation among scholars engaged in such research. It sponsors a journal, Suicide Studies (formerly Archives of Suicide Research).

  • Here for Life
    Here for Life is an Australian-based public benevolent organization focusing on education, awareness and research aimed at the prevention of youth suicide. The organization provides resources, education and school based life skills programs to help prevent suicide amongst young people.

  • Sweden
    This site describes a suicide prevention center located in Sweden. (In Swedish.)

International Resource Documents:

  • World Health Organization
    The WHO provides suicide rates and numbers of suicide by country. WHO also has developed a fact sheet identifying the extent of the problem and suggesting strategies for intervention.

    The WHO has published a downloadable book entitled World Report on Violence and Health. This publication summarizes the information known about various forms of violence world-wide, including self-directed violence. It provides statistics documenting the extent of the problem, identifies risk factors, and discusses approaches to prevention. Review the summary, download the entire book (347 pages), or examine the WHO fact sheet on violence.

  • Youth Suicide and Self-Injury Australia
    This study from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare provides statistical information on youth suicide and suicide attempts up to 1995.

  • Suicide Prevention Communications Project
    This site provides information on an evaluation that was conducted of Australia's National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy.

  • Royal College of Psychiatrists: Bereavement Packet
    This resource, designed to help people who have suffered the loss of someone by suicide, contains information about the experiences such people are likely to go through, pointers to useful reading material, and contact information for sources of support.

    This site provides information in Spanish to physicians and other health care providers, including how to assess suicidal intent.

Suicide Prevention Services Worldwide

  • The Samaritans
    This charity provides confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that may lead to suicide. It provides telephone, e-mail, and in-person services to individuals in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

  • Befrienders International Online
    This charitable organization sponsors volunteers who work to prevent suicide in 41 countries. The site provides information for anyone feeling low, depressed or suicidal, or worried about a friend or relative; information about befriending; and a comprehensive directory of crisis help lines-of which there are some 1,700 worldwide.

Suicide Reports Worldwide

  • Suicide and Attempted Suicide --- China, 1990-2002, CDC: MMWR Weekly, June 11 2004
    This report characterizes suicides and suicide attempts in China, which are marked by a high proportion of pesticide ingestion and infrequent previous treatment by mental health providers. The studies described in this report also support the substantial roles of impulsive behavior and acute stressors in suicidal behavior in China.