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India Country Analysis Brief (10/21/2004)
For information on India's energy sector, please see our updated Country Analysis Brief. Also included is a map, graph, and links to other related web sites.

Electric Power Monthly (10/19/2004) (PDF - 2 meg)
The latest issue is now available on EIA's Electricity page. The publication for October 2004 presents preliminary electricity sales and revenue data for the Transportation Sector for 2004. In January 2004, EIA revised its survey to specifically collect transportation data. These data consist primarily of electricity delivered to and consumed by local, regional and metropolitan mass transportation systems. Data being published for the first time in the October 2004 EPM include January through July monthly 2004 data. Comments on the Transportation data have also been included in the Technical Notes.

Historical copies of the EPM tables in Excel format have also been posted on the EIA website, dating back to the May 2003 publication of the EPM. These files can be accessed at the following address:

The publication for October 2004 continues to present graphs in the executive summary showing the share of generation by energy source, the share of generation by sector, generation by the three major energy sources (coal, nuclear and natural gas), and the average retail price of electricity by end use sector.

Monthly Energy Chronology - 2004 (10/19/2004)
A new monthly energy chronology is now available. Included in the report is the latest information on world energy market events, updated through September 2004.

Greece Country Analysis Brief (10/15/2004)
For information on the Greece's energy sector, please see our updated Country Analysis Brief. Also included is a map and links to other related web sites.

Philippines Country Analysis Brief (10/15/2004)
For information on the Philippines energy sector, please see our updated Country Analysis Brief. Also included is a map, graph, and links to other related web sites.

Reactor-Level Data Table (10/14/2004)
U.S. Nuclear generation declined slightly in August 2004, but it was higher than in either August 2003 or 2002. The preliminary year-to-date data shows nuclear generation in the first 8 months of 2004 continues at a higher pace than in either the comparable period of 2003 or 2002, the record year for nuclear output. As of August 31, nuclear generation for the 8-month period was 532,882,358 net megawatts (compared to 511,921,124 net megawatts in 2003 or the 524,811,886 net megawatts in 2002).

Equatorial Guinea Country Analysis Brief (10/12/2004)
For information on the Equatorial Guinea energy sector, please see our updated Country Analysis Brief. Also included is a map, graph, and links to other related web sites.

OPEC Brief (10/12/2004)
An updated OPEC Brief is now available. For information on OPEC's energy sector, please see our updated Country Analysis Brief. Also included is a graph and links to other related web sites.

International Petroleum Monthly - September 2004 (10/07/2004)
This report contains monthly world oil production data through July 2004 and OECD country oil demand, imports, and stocks data through June 2004. Also included are international oil balance data for 2000-2004 and annual oil data series for 1970-2003.

Spent Fuel Tables (10/07/2004)
The storage of spent fuel and nuclear waste is receiving increasing attention as an essential issue in the nuclear industry's future. Periodically, the EIA updates its survey on spent fuel. The tables report "U.S. Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Discharges 1968 through 2002," "Nuclear Power Plant Data as of December 31, 2002," and "Annual Spent Fuel Discharges and Burn Up."

Heating Oil and Propane Update (10/06/2004)
Weekly price and supply data.

EIA Requests Comments on Coal Surveys (10/06/2004) (PDF - 0 meg)
On October 6, 2004, EIA issued a Federal Register notice requesting public comments on the proposal to request an extension of approval to continue all EIA’s coal surveys and implement modifications to Forms EIA-3, EIA-5, EIA-6A, and EIA-7A. Comments must be filed no later than December 6.

Winter Fuels Outlook: 2004-2005 (10/06/2004) (PDF - 0 meg)
This report summarizes the outlook for demand, supply and prices for natural gas, heating oil, electricity and propane, with emphasis on residential space-heating demand for the upcoming winter season (October 2004 through March 2005).

Short-Term Energy Outlook October 2004 (10/06/2004)
Quarterly short-term energy projections for supply, demand, and price for the major fuels through 2005 for the U.S. International oil forecasts are included.

Paraguay Country Analysis Brief (10/05/2004)
For information on Paraguay's energy sector, please see our updated Country Analysis Brief. Also included is a map, graphs, and links to other related web sites.

Central America Country Analysis Brief (10/05/2004)
For information on Central America's energy sector, please see our updated Country Analysis Brief. Also included is a map, graphs, tables, and links to other related web sites.


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