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NOAA Research Vessel Ron Brown

 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation:
Our Changing Planet

Related Links

Climate Related Web Sites
Climate Websites, Climate Analysis, Monitoring, and Forecasts, General Climate Information, and  Climate Data

El Niņo
El Niņo-Related Web Sites
12 reputable web sites about El Niņo

Climate Information Project
"The Climate Information Project is supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Global Programs (NOAA-OGP) as well as the United States Agency for International Development Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID-OFDA)."

El Niņo - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Home Page
Check out the status of the current El Niņo.

International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI)
"The vision for the IRI is that of an innovative science institution working to accelerate the ability of societies worldwide to cope with climate fluctuations, especially those that cause devastating impacts on humans and the environment, thereby reaping the benefits of decades of research on the predictability of El Niņo-Southern Oscillation phenomenon and other climate variations. By orchestrating a wide network of collaborations and comprehensive programs that couple physical science research and applications research with capacity building, the IRI is a unique institution in the international development of applications of climate prediction."

National Weather Service - National Centers for Environmental Predictions - Climate Prediction Center
We serve the public by assessing and forecasting the impacts of short-term climate variability, emphasizing enhanced risks of weather-related extreme events, for use in mitigating losses and maximizing economic gains.

A Paleo Perspective on Global Warming
The NOAA Paleoclimatology Program, an effort funded by NOAA's Office of Global Programs, has
released a web site entitled "A Paleo Perspective on Global Warming."   This site was developed to help educate, inform and highlight the importance of paleoclimate research; as well as to show how paleoclimate research relates to global warming and other important issues regarding climate variability and change.

U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)
"Global change research brings significant benefits to the nation and the world by providing a well-founded scientific understanding of the Earth system to ensure the availability of future resources essential for human well-being, including water, food, fiber, ecosystems, and human health. The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), working with research institutions in the U.S. and beyond our borders, provides the foundation for increasing the skill of predictions of seasonal-to-interannual climate fluctuations (which can bring excessively wet and dry periods) and long-term climate change. The USGCRP also sponsors research to understand the vulnerabilities to changes in important environmental factors, including changes in climate, ultraviolet (UV) radiation at the Earth's surface, and land cover. Scientific knowledge is essential for informed decision making on environmental issues and to ensure the social and economic health of future generations. Thus global change research is a critical investment for the future of this nation, its economy, and the health and safety of its citizens."



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