amend -- To change the wording or meaning of a motion, bill, constitution, etc. by formal procedure. For example, Congress may amend the Constitution. alien -- A resident of another country who has not yet become a citizen of the country where s/he now lives. American Revolution -- The struggle by which the United States won independence from Great Britain (1775-1783). Articles of Confederation -- The first constitution of the 13 American states, adopted in 1781 and later replaced in 1789 by the Constitution of the United States. bas-relief -- A three-dimensional sculpture in which the figures project slightly from the background. Also called low relief. census -- A periodic, official count of the number of persons living in a country. checks and balances -- Limits imposed on all branches of government by giving each the right to amend acts of the other branches. citizen -- A member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection. congressional district -- A division or part of a state; each district elects one person to the House of Representatives. constituent -- A person who is represented by an elected official. Constitution -- The document which establishes the basic principles of the American government. delegate -- A person who acts for or represents another or others. Emancipation Proclamation -- An order issued during the Civil War by President Lincoln ending slavery in the Confederate states. Founding Fathers -- The delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. hasty pudding -- A baked dish made mostly of cornmeal, milk, and molasses. It's not pudding like Jell-O pudding, it's more of a mush. At the time, pudding was the term used for the dessert course of a meal. House of Representatives -- One house of the U.S. Congress, members are granted to each state based upon its population. immigrant -- A person who moves from one country to another to live permanently. macaroni -- A fancy and overdressed ("dandy") style of Italian clothing widely imitated in England at the time. When Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called himself a "Macaroni", he was proudly proclaiming himself to be a country bumpkin (an awkward and unsophisticated person), because that was how the English regarded most colonials at that time. national -- A citizen of a nation who is entitled to its protection. obelisk -- An upright 4-sided usually monolithic pillar that gradually tapers as it rises and terminates in a pyramid. sentinel -- A soldier stationed as a guard to challenge all comers and prevent a surprise attack. separation of powers -- The system of dividing the powers and duties of a government into different branches. valor -- Boldness or bravery in facing great danger, especially in battle. veto -- To cancel or postpone a decision, bill, etc. For example, the president of the United States may veto a bill that has been passed by Congress. |