
Research Division "ERIC" Contractor/ Grantee Final Report List

Final Report Title


ERIC Number

An Econometric Model of the Performing Arts, 1977 (151p)

Center for Policy Research

ED 225889

The Economic Impact of Eight Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the St. Louis SMSA, 1980 (49p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225912

Technical Supplement to the Economic Impact of Eight Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the St. Louis SMSA (Volume I & Volume II -- Appendices), 1980 (131p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225913

The Economic Impact of Ten Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the Springfield, IL SMSA, 1980 (52p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225908

Technical Supplement to the Economic Impact of Ten Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the Springfield, IL SMSA (Volume I & Volume II -- Appendices), 1980 (134p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225909

The Economic Impact of Five Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the San Antonio SMSA, 1980 (49p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225910

Technical Supplement to the Economic Impact of Five Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the San Antonio SMSA, (Volume I and Volume II -- Appendices), 1980 (128p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225911

The Economic Impact of Ten Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the Salt Lake SMSA, 1980 (51p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225914

Technical Supplement to the Economic Impact of Ten Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the Salt Lake SMSA (Volume I & Volume II -- Appendices), 1980 (130p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225915

The Economic Impact of Ten Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the Minneapolis/St. Paul SMSA, 1980 (52p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225906

Technical Supplement to the Economic Impact of Ten Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the Minneapolis/St. Paul SMSA (Volume I & Volume II -- Appendices),1980 (136p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225907

The Economic Impact of Six Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the Columbus SMSA, 1980 (51p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225904

Technical Supplement to the Economic Impact of Six Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the Columbus SMSA (Volume I & Volume II -- Appendices), 1980 (136p)

The Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University

ED 225905

Study of State Arts Agencies, 1976

  • Directory of State Arts Agencies (120p)
  • A Summary Report (74p)
  • A Comprehensive Report (447p)

National Research Center for the Arts, Inc.

ED 225890
ED 225891
ED 225892

The Conditions and Needs of the Live Professional Theatre in America, 1978

  • Phase I - Executive Summary (23p)
  • Phase I Report - Data Collection and Analysis (451p)
  • Volume I (144p)
  • Volume II (185p]
  • Phase II Report - Recommendations (28p)

Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

ED 219815
ED 219816
ED 224078
ED 224079
ED 224077

Implementation of an Annual Economic Data Series -- Phase I (Volume 1 -- Narrative, Volume 2 -- Appendices), 1981 (683p)

Informatics, Inc.

ED 221421

The Economic Conditions and Exhibition Processes of Artists in Four Cities, 1981 (560p)

Human Resources Research Organization

ED 216990

Leisure Participation in the South, 1980

  • Volume I - Results (350p)
  • Volume II - Appendices (154p)
  • Volume III - Summary (72p]

Human Resources Research Organization

ED 206521
ED 206522
ED 206523

Leisure Time Use in the South: A Secondary Analysis, 1980 (200p)

Institute for Research in Social Science, Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

ED 221435

The American Arts Audience: Its Study and Its Character, 1977 (237p)

Center for the Study of Public Policy

ED 225888

Model Study for an Economic Data, Program on the Conditions of Arts and Cultural Institutions, 1977 (352p)

Applied Management Sciences, Inc.

ED 227012

Research in the Arts: Proceedings of the Conference on Policy Related Studies of the National Endowment for the Arts (Baltimore, MD), 1977 (102p)

Walters Art Gallery

ED 227023

Evaluation of Visual Artists' Fellowship Category, 1981 (106p)

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Inc.

ED 227014

Arts Audience Statistics and Culture Indicators: A Review of Complementary Approaches, 1980 (119p)

Richard A. Peterson

ED 229286

Programming in the Arts: An Impact Evaluation, 1980 (271p)

Far West Laboratories for Educational Research and Development

ED 229287

Feasibility Study for an Economic Data Program on the Condition of Arts and Cultural Organizations

  • Volume 1 (95p)
  • Volume 2 (317p)

New York University

ED 230444
ED 230445

Consumer Response to Arts Offerings: A Study of Theater and Symphony in Four Southern Cities (170p)

University of Illinois-Urbana

ED 230450

Results from a National Survey of Crafts Membership Organizations: Final Report (292p)

Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

ED 226109

Methodology Report: Survey of Crafts-Artists (260p)

Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

ED 226110

Crafts-Artists in the United States (229p)

Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

ED 226111

Growth of Arts and Cultural Organizations in the Decade of the 1970s (815p)

Informatics, Inc.

ED 241398

Public Participation in the Arts: Final Report on the 1982 Survey (615p)

Survey Research Center, University of Maryland

ED 264168

The Careers and Opinions of Administrators of U.S. Art Museums, Resident Theatres, Orchestras, and Local Arts Agencies (204p)

Paul DiMaggio

ED 257696

Cultural Participation in the Philadelphia Area, 1982 (89p)

Survey Research Center, University of Maryland

ED 263028

Surveying Your Arts Audience (99p)

Publishing Center for Cultural Resources

ED 279562

The American Jazz Audience (70p)

Harold Horowitz, Research Division, National Endowment for the Arts

ED 280757

Museums USA: Art, History, Science and Other Museums (213p)

National Research Center for the Arts

ED 107581

Museums USA: Highlights (22p)

National Research Center for the Arts

ED 093777

The 1975-76 Concert Season: A Prediction (31p)


ED 121182

Socialization In The Arts (132p)

Richard J. Orend

ED 283768

Craft-Artists in the United States: A Portrait

Constance F. Citro

ED 287765

Public Participation in the Arts: Demand and Barriers

Jerry West

ED 287764

Public Participation in Classical Ballet: A Special Analysis of the Ballet Data

Carol Keegan

ED 288756

Survey of Public Participation in the Arts, Musical Theater, Operetta, and Opera Attendees (147p)

Dan Abreu

ED 289760

Earnings of Artists: 1980 (45p)

Diane C. Ellis

ED 289761

The Geography of Arts Participation: Report on the 1982 and 1985 Surveys of Public Participation in the Arts (59p)

Judith R. Blau

ED 289762

Minorities and Women in the Arts: 1980 (64p)

Diane C. Ellis

ED 289765

Artists By Place of Residence: 1980 (417p)

Diane C. Ellis

ED 289767

The Distribution of Artists Among Industrial Sectors (41p)

Diane C. Ellis

ED 289768

Expanding the Audience for the Performing Arts (45p)

Alan Andreasen

ED 289804

Survey of Public Participation in the Arts: 1985 Volume I, Project Report (508p)

University of Maryland

ED 289763

Survey of Public Participation in the Arts: Volume II, Changes in Americans' Participation, 1982-1985 (121p)

University of Maryland

ED 289764

Public Participation in the Arts Via the Media (65p)

David Waterman

ED 290674

Race Ethnicity and Participation in the Arts Patterns of Participation By Black, Hispanic and White Americans in Selected Activities From The 1982 and 1985 Surveys of Public Participation in the Arts (290p)

Paul DiMaggio

ED 293759

Perspectives on the American Audience for Art Museums (108p)

J. Mark Davidson Schuster

ED 294780

A Sourcebook of Arts Statistics: 1987 (764p)

Westat, Inc.

ED 294828

An Inquiry Into the Geographic Correlates of Government Art Funding (53p)

J. Mark Davidson Schuster

ED 298023

Employment Status of Performing Artists, 1970-1980 (134p)

Muriel G. Cantor

ED 298024

Artists in the Workforce, 1950 to 1985 (275p)

Constance F. Citro

ED 298027

Women and Minorities in the Arts: A Portrait From the 1980 Census (155p)

Constance F. Citro

ED 298028

Who Reads Literature? Survey Data on the Reading of Fiction, Poetry, and Drama by U.S. Adults During the 1980s (89p)

Nicholas Zill

ED 302812

Labor Market Earnings of American Artists in 1980 (243p)

Randall K. Filer

ED 309109

A Sourcebook of Arts Statistics: 1989 (807p)

Westat, Inc.

ED 326462

1992 Addendum to the 1989 Sourcebook of Arts Statistics (537p)

Westat, Inc.

ED 349240

The Write Stuff: Employment and Earnings of Authors, 1970 to 1990

Neil O. Alper and Gregory H. Wassall

ED 385856

Arts Participation and Race/Ethnicity, An Analysis of 1982, 1985 and 1992 SPAA Surveys

Jeffrey Love, Ph.D., Bramble C. Klipple

ED 398164

American Dance 1992: Who's Watching? Who's Dancing?

Jack R. Lemmon

ED 398165

Arts Participation by the Baby Boomers

Judith Huggins Balfe and Rolf Meyersohn

ED 390726

Employment and Earnings of Performing Artists: 1970 to 1990

Ruttenberg, Kilgallon & Associates, Inc., compiled by Ann O. Kay and Stephyn G.W. Butcher

ED 390727

Artists Who Work With Their Hands: Painters, Sculptors, Craft Artists and Artist Printmakers, A Trend Report, 1970 - 1990

Joan Jeffri and Robert Greenblatt

ED 390728

Age Factors in Arts Participation: 1982-1992

Richard A. Peterson and Darren E. Sherkat

ED 390729

Jazz in America: Who's Listening?

Jack Faucett Associates, compiled by Scott DeVeaux

ED 390755

Americans Personal Participation in the Arts: 1992

Monnie Peters and Joni Maya Cherbo

ED 404273

Patterns of Multiple Arts Participation: An Analysis of 1982, 1985, and 1992 SPPA Data

Jeffrey Love, Ph.D.

ED 410145

The American Arts Industry: Size and Significance

Harry Hillman Chartrand

ED 410182

A Perspective on the Arts Industry and the Economy

Bruce Seaman

ED 410183

Twenty Years of Economic Impact Studies of the Arts: A Review

Anthony Radich

ED 410184

Arts Organizations and the 1987 Census of Service Industries

Mary S. Peters

ED 410185

Surveying Your Arts Audience

Research Division, NEA

ED 279562