1993 National Survey of College Graduates
Question No. Question Text SESTAT Variable SAS Name
A01 Were you working for pay (or profit) during the week of April 15, [survey year]?  A_JOB_STATUS_EMPLOYED_IND WRKG
A02 Did you look for work at anytime during the four weeks preceding April 15?  A_JOB_STATUS_LOOKING_FOR_WRK_IND LOOKWK
A03.1 What were the reasons for not working during the week of April 15? (Marked "Retired")  A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_RETIRED NWRET
A03.2 What were the reasons for not working during the week of April 15? (Marked "On layoff from a job")  A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_LAYOFF NWLAY
A03.3 What were the reasons for not working during the week of April 15? (Marked "Student")  A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_STUDENT NWSTU
A03.4 What were the reasons for not working during the week of April 15? (Marked "Family responsibilities")  A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_FAMILY NWFAM
A03.5 What were the reasons for not working during the week of April 15? (Marked "Chronic illness or permanent disability")  A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_ILL_DISABLE NWILL
A03.6 What were the reasons for not working during the week of April 15? (Marked "Suitable job not available")  A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_JOB_NOT_AVAIL NWOCNA
A03.7 What were the reasons for not working during the week of April 15? (Marked "Did not need or want to work")  A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_NO_NEED NWNOND
A03.8 What were the reasons for not working during the week of April 15? (Marked "Other")  A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_OTHR NWOT
A04.NEVER NEVER worked for pay (or profit)  A_JOB_NEVER_WORKED_IND LWNVR
A04.YY In what month and year did you last work for pay (or profit)?  C_JOB_LAST_WRKD_YR LWYR
A04YY This variable is a recode produced for public use. See variable documentation for recode algorithm.  C_JOB_LAST_WRKD_PUB_YR LWYRP
A06 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_LAST_JOB_CAT OCLST
A06 This variable is a recode produced for public use. See variable documentation for recode algorithm.  C_JOB_LAST_JOB_CAT_PUB OCLSTPB
A06 Using the JOB CODES, choose the code that BEST describes the work you were doing on your last job.  C_JOB_LAST_JOB_CAT_RPTD OCLSTX
A07 Counting all jobs held during the week of April 15, were you employed full-time or part-time?  A_JOB_STATUS_FULL_PART_TIME FPTIND
A08.1 What were your reasons for working part-time rather than full-time during the week of April 15? (Marked "Retired of semi-retired")  C_JOB_PT_REAS_RETIRED PTRET
A08.1YY What were your reasons for working part-time rather than full-time during the week of April 15? (Entered year of retirement)  C_JOB_PT_RETIRED_YR PTRETYR
A08.1YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_PT_RETIRED_YR_PUB PTRETYP
A08.2 What were your reasons for working part-time rather than full-time during the week of April 15? (Marked "Student")  C_JOB_PT_REAS_STUDENT PTSTU
A08.3 What were your reasons for working part-time rather than full-time during the week of April 15? (Marked "Family responsibilities")  C_JOB_PT_REAS_FAMILY PTFAM
A08.4 What were your reasons for working part-time rather than full-time during the week of April 15? (Marked "Chronic illness or permanent disability")  C_JOB_PT_REAS_ILL_DISABLE PTILL
A08.5 What were your reasons for working part-time rather than full-time during the week of April 15? (Marked "Suitable full-time job not available")  C_JOB_PT_REAS_JOB_NOT_AVAIL PTOCNA
A08.6 What were your reasons for working part-time rather than full-time during the week of April 15? (Marked "Did not need or want to work full-time")  C_JOB_PT_REAS_NO_NEED PTNOND
A08.7 What were your reasons for working part-time rather than full-time during the week of April 15? (Marked "Other")  C_JOB_PT_REAS_OTHR PTOT
A09 Although you were working during the week of April 15, had you previously RETIRED from any position?  B_JOB_RETIRED_PREVLY_IND FTPRET
A09YY Although you were working during the week of April 15, had you previously RETIRED from any position? (Marked "Yes" and entered year)  B_JOB_RETIRED_PREVLY_YR FTPRTYR
A09YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  B_JOB_RETIRED_PREVLY_YR_PUB FTPRTYP
A11 Was your principal employer an educational institution?  E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_IND EMED
A12 Was the educational institution - . . .  E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_TYPE EDTP
A13 Was your employer - . . .  E_JOB_EMPLR_NON_EDUC_INST_TYPE NEDTP
A15 Using the JOB CODES, choose the code that BEST describes the work you were doing on your principal job during the week of April 15  B_JOB_CAT OCPR
A15 This variable is a recode produced for public use. See variable documentation for recode algorithm.  B_JOB_CAT_PUB OCPRPB
A15 Using the JOB CODES, choose the code that BEST describes the work you were doing on your principal job during the week of April 15  B_JOB_CAT_RPTD OCPRX
A15 Derived within SESTAT from information reported on the questionnaires or other sources. See variable documentation for recode algorithm.  B_JOB_OCC_GRP_MAJOR OCPRMG
A15 Derived within SESTAT from information reported on the questionnaires or other sources. See variable documentation for recode algorithm.  B_JOB_OCC_GRP_MINOR OCPRNG
A16 Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  F_JOB_MGR_EXEC_IND MGRIND
A17.a Did your duties on this job require technical expertise equivalent to at least a bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, math, or the natural sciences?  F_JOB_MGR_TECH_EXPERTSE_PHYS_SCI MGRNAT
A17.b Did your duties on this job require technical expertise equivalent to at least a bachelor's degree in the social sciences?  F_JOB_MGR_TECH_EXPERTSE_SOCIAL_SCI MGRSOC
A18 In some occupational areas, licensing or certification is recommended or required. As of the week of April 15, were you licensed or certified in your occupation?  F_JOB_LICENSED_CERTIFIED_IND OCLIC
A19 To what extent was your work on your principal job held during the week of April 15 related to your highest degree field? Was it-- . . .  B_JOB_RELTD_TO_DEGREE OCEDRLP
A20.a Did these factors influence your decision to work in an area OUTSIDE OF YOUR HIGHEST DEGREE FIELD? (Response to "Pay, promotion opportunities")  B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_PAY_OR_PROMOT NRPAY
A20.b Did these factors influence your decision to work in an area OUTSIDE OF YOUR HIGHEST DEGREE FIELD? (Response to "Working conditions (hours, equipment, working environment")  B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_WRKNG_CONDS NRCON
A20.c Did these factors influence your decision to work in an area OUTSIDE OF YOUR HIGHEST DEGREE FIELD? (Response to "Job location")  B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_LOC NRLOC
A20.d Did these factors influence your decision to work in an area OUTSIDE OF YOUR HIGHEST DEGREE FIELD? (Response to "Change in career or professional interests")  B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_CAREER_CHG NRCHG
A20.e Did these factors influence your decision to work in an area OUTSIDE OF YOUR HIGHEST DEGREE FIELD? (Response to "Family-related reasons")  B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_FAMILY NRFAM
A20.f Did these factors influence your decision to work in an area OUTSIDE OF YOUR HIGHEST DEGREE FIELD? (Response to "Job in highest degree field not available")  B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_JOB_NOT_AVAIL NROCNA
A20.g Did these factors influence your decision to work in an area OUTSIDE OF YOUR HIGHEST DEGREE FIELD? (Response to "Other reason")  B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_OTHR NROT
A21 Which factor ...represents your MOST important reason for working in an area outside of your HIGHEST degree field?  B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REASON_PRIMRY NRREA
A22.I Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Production, operations, maintenance...")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_PRODUCTN WAPROD
A22.a Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Accounting, finance, contracts")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_ACCTNG WAACC
A22.b Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Applied research...")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_APPLIED_RSCH WAAPRSH
A22.c Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Basic research...")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_BASIC_RSCH WABRSH
A22.d Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Computer applications, programming, systems development")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_COMPUTER WACOM
A22.e Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Development...")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_DEVELOPMT WADEV
A22.f Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Design of equipment, processes, structures, models")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_DESIGN WADSN
A22.g Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Employee relations..")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_PERSONNEL WAEMRL
A22.h Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Management and administration")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_MGT WAMGMT
A22.j Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Professional services (health care, financial services, legal....  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_PROF_SERV WASVC
A22.k Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Sales, purchasing, marketing")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_SALES WASALE
A22.l Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Quality, productivity management")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_QUAL_MGT WAQM
A22.m Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Teaching")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_TEACH WATEA
A22.n Did... work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during the TYPICAL work week for this job? (Response to "Other")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_OTHR WAOT
A23.a On which TWO activities..., did you work the most hours during a typical week on this job? (Response to "Activity MOST hours")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIMRY WAPRI
A23.b On which TWO activities..., did you work the most hours during a typical week on this job? (Response to "Activity SECOND MOST hours")  F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_SECONDARY WASEC
A23a Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIMRY_SUMRY WAPRSM
A23b Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_SECONDARY_SUMRY WASCSM
A24 Did you supervise the work of others as part of this job?  F_JOB_SUPERVISE_WRK_IND SUPWK
A25.a How many people did you typically -- (supervise DIRECTLY)  F_JOB_SUPERVISE_NUM_DIR SUPDIR
A25.b How many people did you typically -- (supervise through subordinate supervisors)  F_JOB_SUPERVISE_NUM_INDIR SUPIND
A25a Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  F_JOB_SUPERVISE_NUM_DIR_PUB SPDIRP
A25b Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  F_JOB_SUPERVISE_NUM_INDIR_PUB SPINDP
A27 Was this salary or earned income based on working full-time?  H_JOB_SALARY_BASED_ON_FT_IND SLFTI
A28 Was any of your work on this job supported by CONTRACTS OR GRANTS from the U.S. government during the week of April 15?  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPPORT_IND GOVSUP
A29.01 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Defense Department (DOD)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_DEFENSE FSDOD
A29.02 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Department of Education (include NCES, OERI, FIPSE, FIRST)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_EDUC FSDED
A29.03 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Energy Department (DOE)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_ENERGY FSDOE
A29.04 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_EPA FSEPA
A29.05 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_NASA FSNASA
A29.06 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "National Institutes of Health (NIH)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_NIH FSNIH
A29.07 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "National Science Foundation (NSF)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_NSF FSNSF
A29.08 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "National Regulatory Commission")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_NRC FSNRC
A29.09 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Other")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_OTHR FSOT
A29.09.text Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Department of Housing and Urban and Development")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_HUD FSHUD
A29.09.text Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Department of Justice")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_JUSTICE FSJUS
A29.09.text Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Department of Labor")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_LABOR FSLAB
A29.09.text Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Department of State")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_STATE FSST
A29.09.text Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Department of Veterans' Affairs")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_VA FSVA
A29.10 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Don't Know Source Agency")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPPORT_DONT_KNOW FSDK
A29.11 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Agency for International Development (AID)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_AID FSAID
A29.12 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Agriculture Department")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_AGRIC FSAGR
A29.13 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Commerce Department")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_CMRCE FSCOM
A29.14 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Health and Humans Services Department (excluding NIH)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_HHS FSHHS
A29.16 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Interior Department")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_INTERIOR FSINT
A29.20 Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work? (Marked or entered "Transportation Department (DOT)")  I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_TRANSPORT FSDOT
A30 From the following list of selected areas, indicate the ONE area, if any, to which you devoted the MOST hours during a typical week on this job.  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_DOE_CAT_MOST_HRS PRIAREA
A31 From the following list, indicate the ONE ENERGY SOURCE that involved the largest proportion of your energy-related work during the past year.  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_ENERGY_SOURCE_PRIMRY ENSRC
A32 From the following list, indicate the ONE ENERGY-RELATED ACTIVITY that involved the largest proportion of your energy-related work during the last year.  F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_ENERGY_RELTD_PRIMRY ENACT
A33 During the week of April 15, did you hold a second job (or business), including part-time, evening or weekend work?  C_JOB_2ND_JOB_IND OCSI
A35 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_2ND_JOB_CAT OCS
A35 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_2ND_JOB_CAT_PUB OCSPB
A35 Using the JOB CODES, choose the code that BEST describes the work you were doing on your second job during the week of April 15.  C_JOB_2ND_JOB_CAT_RPTD OCSX
A35 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_2ND_JOB_OCC_GRP_MAJOR OCSMG
A35 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_2ND_JOB_OCC_GRP_MINOR OCSNG
A36.1 Before deductions, what was your salary on your second job during the week of April 15? (Entered salary or earned income)  C_JOB_2ND_JOB_SALARY_PP_AMT SLOCSX
A36.2 (Time period marked for entered salary or earned income, second job)  C_JOB_2ND_JOB_SALARY_PAY_PERIOD SLOCSPR
A37 To what extent was your work on this second job related to your HIGHEST degree field? Was it - . . .  C_JOB_2ND_JOB_RELTD_TO_DEGREE OCSEDRL
B01 The wording of this question differs across survey years. Please consult the section below labeled "Quality and other technical information for this item:"  D_JOB_EMPLOYED_IND WRKGP
B02 Did you have the SAME principal employer during both April 1988 and the week of April 15, 1993?  B_JOB_SAME_EMPLR_88 EMSMI88
B03 Was your principal employer during April 1988 an educational institution?  C_JOB_88_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_IND EMEDO
B04 Was this educational institution - . . .  C_JOB_88_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_TYPE EDTPO
B05 Was your employment during April 1988 with - . . .  C_JOB_88_EMPLR_NON_EDUC_INST_TYPE NEDTPO
B06 Was your principal occupation during April 1988 the SAME as the principal occupation you reported for the week of April 15, 1993?  B_JOB_SAME_OCCUP_88 OCSMI
B08 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_88_JOB_CAT OCO
B08 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_88_JOB_CAT_PUB OCOPB
B08 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_88_OCC_GRP_MAJOR OCOMG
B08 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  C_JOB_88_OCC_GRP_MINOR OCONG
B09 Did you have the SAME employer and SAME occupation in April 1988 and during the week of April 15, 1993?  B_JOB_SAME_EMPLR_AND_OCCUP_88 EMOCSMI
B10a Did these factors influence your decision to change employers or occupations between April (of 2 years ago) and the current survey date? (Marked "Pay, promotion opportunities")  D_JOB_CHG_REAS_PAY_OR_PROMOT CHPAY
B10b Did these factors influence your decision to change employers or occupations between April (of 2 years ago) and the current survey date? (Marked "Working conditions (hours, equipme....  D_JOB_CHG_REAS_WRKNG_CONDS CHCON
B10c The wording of this question differs across survey years. Please consult the section below labeled "Quality and other technical information for this item:"  D_JOB_CHG_REAS_LOCATN CHLOC
B10d The wording of this question differs across survey years. Please consult the section below labeled "Quality and other technical information for this item:"  D_JOB_CHG_REAS_CAREER_CHG CHCHG
B10e The wording of this question differs across survey years. Please consult the section below labeled "Quality and other technical information for this item:"  D_JOB_CHG_REAS_FAMILY CHFAM
B10f Did these factors influence your decision to change employers or occupations between April (of 2 years ago) and the current survey date? (Marked "School-related reasons...")  D_JOB_CHG_REAS_SCHOOL_RELTD CHSCH
B10g The wording of this question differs across survey years. Please consult the section below labeled "Quality and other technical information for this item:"  D_JOB_CHG_REAS_LAID_OFF CHLAY
B10h Did these factors influence your decision to change employers or occupations between April (of 2 years ago) and the current survey date? (Marked "Retired")  D_JOB_CHG_REAS_RETIRED CHRET
B10i The wording of this question differs across survey years. Please consult the section below labeled "Quality and other technical information for this item:"  D_JOB_CHG_REAS_OTHR CHOT
C01a How many years of professional work experience have you had? (Number of years Full-time)  D_JOB_PROF_EXPER_FT_YRS EXPFT
C01b How many years of professional work experience have you had? (Number of years Part-time)  D_JOB_PROF_EXPER_PT_YRS EXPPT
C02 During the past year, did you attend any professional society or association meetings or conferences?  D_JOB_PROF_ASSOC_ATTEND_MTNGS_IND PROMTGI
C03.NBR To how many national or international professional societies or associations do you currently belong? (Number)  D_JOB_PROF_ASSOC_MEMBRSHPS_NBR PRMBR
C03.NBR Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  D_JOB_PROF_ASSOC_MEMBRSHPS_NBR_PUB PRMBRPB
C04 During the past year, did you attend any WORK-RELATED workshops, seminars, or other work-related training activities?  G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_IND WKTRNI
C05.a During the past year, in which... areas did you attend work-related workshops, seminars, other work-related training activities? (Response to "Management or supervisor training")  G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_MGT WTMGT
C05.b During the past year, in which... areas did you attend work-related workshops, seminars, other work-related training activities? (Response to "Technical training in my occupational....  G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_TECHNCL WTTECH
C05.c During the past year, in which... areas did you attend work-related workshops, seminars, other work-related training activities? (Response to "General professional training...")  G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_GENL WTAPRF
C05.d During the past year, in which... areas did you attend work-related workshops, seminars, other work-related training activities? (Response to "Other work-related training")  G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_OTHR WTOT
C06.a For which of the following reasons did you attend training activities during the past year? (Response to "To facilitate a change in my occupational field")  G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_CHG_OCCUPAT WTRCHG
C06.b For which of the following reasons did you attend training activities during the past year? (Response to "To acquire FURTHER skills or knowledge in my occupational field")  G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_ACQ_SKILL WTRSKL
C06.c For which of the following reasons did you attend training activities during the past year? (Response to "For licensure/certification")  G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_LICENSING WTRLIC
C06.d For which of the following reasons did you attend training activities during the past year? (Response to "To increase opportunities for promotion/advancement/higher salary")  G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_ADVANCEMT WTRADV
C06.e For which of the following reasons did you attend training activities during the past year? (Response to "To learn skills or knowledge needed for a recently acquired position")  G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_NEW_POS WTRNEW
C06.f For which of the following reasons did you attend training activities during the past year? (Response to "Required or expected by employer")  G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_EMPLR_REQ WTREM
C06.g For which of the following reasons did you attend training activities during the past year? (Response to "Other")  G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_OTHR WTROT
C07 What was your most important reason for attending training activities?  G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_PRIMRY WTRSN
C1a Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  D_JOB_PROF_EXPER_FT_YRS_PUB EXPFTPB
C1b Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  D_JOB_PROF_EXPER_PT_YRS_PUB EXPPTPB
D01.NO In what year did you receive your high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate? (Checked "Did not finish high school")  L_ED_HS_DEGREE_NONE HSNOI
D01.YY In what year did you receive your high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate?  L_ED_HS_DEGREE_AWARD_YR HSYR
D01.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  L_ED_HS_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_PUB HSYRP
D02.ST Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  L_ED_HS_SCHOOL_REGION HSRGN
D02.ST Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  L_ED_HS_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS HSUS
D02.ST Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  L_ED_HS_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD HSST
D03 Do you have a 2-year associate's degree?  K_ED_AA_DEGREE_IND ASDGRI
D05 How many college or university degrees do you have at the bachelor's level or higher?  J_ED_BA_AND_ABOVE_DEGREE_NBR BSDGN
D06...b.MM FIRST BACHELOR'S DEGREE: In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Month")  J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_MO BAMN
D06...b.MM MOST RECENT DEGREE: In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Month")  M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_MO MRMN
D06...b.MM HIGHEST DEGREE: In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Month")  O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_MO HDMN
D06...b.MM In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Month")  Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_MO D3MN
D06...b.YY FIRST BACHELOR'S DEGREE: In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Year")  J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_YR BAYR
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING BAAYR3
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING BAAYR5
D06...b.YY MOST RECENT DEGREE: In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Year")  M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_YR MRYR
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING MR3YR
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING MR5YR
D06...b.YY HIGHEST DEGREE: In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Year")  O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR DGRYR
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING HDACY3
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING HDAY5
D06...b.YY In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Year")  P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR D2YR
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING D23YR
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING D25YR
D06...b.YY In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Year")  Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR D3YR
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING D33YR
D06...b.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING D35YR
D06...c MOST RECENT DEGREE: What type of degree did you receive?  M_ED_MR_DEGREE_TYPE MRDG
D06...c HIGHEST DEGREE: What type of degree or certificate did you receive?  O_ED_HD_DEGREE_TYPE DGRDG
D06...c What type of degree did you receive?  P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_TYPE D2DG
D06...c What type of degree did you receive?  Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_TYPE D3DG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_CAT BAMED
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB BAMEDP
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_GROUP_MAJOR BAMEMG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_GROUP_MINOR BAMENG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_CAT MRMED
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB MRMEDP
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR MRMEMG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR MRMENG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT DGRMED
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB DGRMEDP
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR DGRMEMG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_PUB DGRMEMP
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR DGRMENG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT D2MED
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB D2MEDP
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR D2MEMG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR D2MENG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT D3MED
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB D3MEDP
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR D3MEMG
D06...d.2 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR D3MENG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT BANED
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB BANEDP
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR BASEMG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR BANENG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT MRNED
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB MRNEDP
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR MRSEMG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR MRNENG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT HDNED
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB HDNEDP
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR HDSEMG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR HDNENG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT D2NED
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB D2NEDP
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR D2SEMG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR D2NENG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT D3NED
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB D3NEDP
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR D3SEMG
D06...d.4 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR D3NENG
D06�b.MM In what month and year was this degree awarded? (Response to "Month")  P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_MO D2MN
D07 Between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year], did you take any college or university courses?  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_IND CCAFDG
D08.I Reasons took college courses between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year]? (Response to "Other")  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_OTHR TCOT
D08.a Reasons took college courses between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year]? (Response to "To acquire further education before beginning a caree....  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_BEGIN_CAREER TCCAR
D08.b Reasons took college courses between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year]? (Response to "To prepare for graduate school")  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_PREP_GRAD_SCHL TCGRD
D08.c Reasons took college courses between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year]? (Response to "To facilitate a change in my academic or occupational....  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_CHG_FLD TCCHG
D08.d Reasons took college courses between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year]? (Response to "To acquire FURTHER skills or knowledge in my academic....  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_ACQ_SKILL TCSKL
D08.e Reasons took college courses between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year]? (Response to "For licensure/certification")  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_LICENSING TCLIC
D08.f Reasons took college courses between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year]? (Response to "To increase opportunities for promotion/advancement/h....  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_ADVANCEMT TCADV
D08.g Reasons took college courses between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year]? (Response to "Required or expected by employer")  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_EMPR_REQ TCEM
D08.h Reasons took college courses between completing your most recent degree and the week of April 15, [survey year]? (Response to "For leisure/personal interest")  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_PERSONL TCINT
D09.1 What was your primary field of study during that time? (Marked box - no primary field of study)  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_MAJOR_NONE TCEDNO
D10 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_CAT TCED
D10 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_CAT_PUB TCEDP
D10 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_GRP_MAJOR PFMAEDGR
D10 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_GRP_MINOR PFMIEDGR
D11 Toward what type of degree, if any, are you (or were you) working during that time?  N_ED_SINCE_MR_DEGREE_WRK_TOWARD_IND TCDG
D12 Were ANY of your school-related costs for taking college or university courses during this time paid for by an employer?  N_ED_MR_EMP_ASSISTANCE CCEP
D13 During the week of April 15 were you - �  W_DEM_MARITAL_STATUS MARSTA
D13 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_MARITAL_STAT_MARRIED MARIND
D14 During the week of April 15, was your spouse working for pay (or profit) at a full-time or part-time job?  W_DEM_SPOUSE_WORKING_IND SPOWK
D15.a Did your spouse's duties on this job require technical expertise equivalent to at least a bachelor's degree in -- (Response to "engineering, computer science, math or the natural s....  W_DEM_SPOUSE_WORK_EXPERT_PHYS_SCI SPNAT
D15.b Did your spouse's duties on this job require technical expertise equivalent to at least a bachelor's degree in -- (Response to "the social sciences")  W_DEM_SPOUSE_WORK_EXPERT_SOCIAL_SCI SPSOC
D15.c Did your spouse's duties on this job require technical expertise equivalent to at least a bachelor's degree in -- (Response to "some other field")  W_DEM_SPOUSE_WORK_EXPERT_OTHER SPOT
D16 During the week of April 15, did you have any children living with you as part of your family?  W_DEM_CHILDREN_IN_HOUSEHOLD CHLVIN
D17.a Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_CHILDREN_IND_UNDER_6 CH6IN
D17.a Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_CHILDREN_NBR_UNDER_6 CH6
D17.a Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_CHILDREN_NBR_UNDER_6_PUB CH6PB
D17.b Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_CHILDREN_IND_6_11 CH611IN
D17.b How many of these children living with you as part of your family were - (Response to "aged 6 - 11")  W_DEM_CHILDREN_NBR_6_11 CH611
D17.b Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_CHILDREN_NBR_6_11_PUB CH611PB
D17.c Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_CHILDREN_IND_12_17 CH1217IN
D17.c How many of these children living with you as part of your family were - (Response to "aged 12 - 17")  W_DEM_CHILDREN_NBR_12_17 CH1217
D17.c Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_CHILDREN_NBR_12_17_PUB CH1217P
D17.d Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_CHILDREN_IND_18 CH18IN
D17.d How many of these children living with you as part of your family were - (Response to "aged 18 or older")  W_DEM_CHILDREN_NBR_18 CH18
D17.d Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  W_DEM_CHILDREN_NBR_18_PUB CH18PB
D18 During the week of April 15, [survey year], were you a - (Response to "Citizenship" categories)  V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_STATUS CTZN
D18 Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_US_CITIZEN CTZUSIN
D19 Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_CNTRY_CD FNCCD
D19CODE Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_CNTRY_REGION FNCRGN
D20 During the week of April 15, [survey year], were you living in the United States or one of its territories, or were you living in another country?  V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_LIVE_IN_US FNINUS
D21.YY In what month and year were you born? (Year portion of response)  U_DEM_BIRTH_DATE_YR BIRYR
D21.YY Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  U_DEM_BIRTH_DATE_YR_PUB BIRYRP
D22 Did you live in a rural or farming community at any time prior to reaching the age of 18?  W_DEM_CHILDHOOD_RURAL_FARMING RURLIV
D23DAD What is the HIGHEST level of education COMPLETED by your parents? (Response for "Father (Stepfather or male guardian)")  W_DEM_PARENT_FATHERS_ED_LEVEL EDDAD
D23MOM What is the HIGHEST level of education COMPLETED by your parents? (Response for "Mother (Stepmother or female guardian)")  W_DEM_PARENT_MOTHERS_ED_LEVEL EDMOM
D24.NONE What is the USUAL degree of difficulty you have with -- (Responded by checking "NONE" box)  X_DEM_DISABLE_NONE_IND DIFNO
D24.a What is the USUAL degree of difficulty you have with -- (Response to "SEEING words or letters in ordinary newsprint (with glasses/contact lenses if you usually wear them)")  X_DEM_DISABLE_SEEING_SEVERITY DIFSEE
D24.b What is the USUAL degree of difficulty you have with -- (Response to "HEARING what is normally said in conversation with another person (with hearing aid, if you usually wear one)"....  X_DEM_DISABLE_HEARING_SEVERITY DIFHEAR
D24.c What is the USUAL degree of difficulty you have with -- (Response to "WALKING without assistance (human or mechanical) or using stairs)")  X_DEM_DISABLE_WALKING_SEVERITY DIFWALK
D24.d What is the USUAL degree of difficulty you have with -- (Response to "LIFTING or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds, such as a bag of groceries)")  X_DEM_DISABLE_LIFTING_SEVERITY DIFLIFT
D25.age What is the earliest age at which you FIRST began experiencing ANY difficulties in any of these areas?  X_DEM_DISABLE_EARLIEST_AGE DIFAGE
D25.age Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  X_DEM_DISABLE_EARLIEST_AGE_5_YR_GROUPING DIFAGEGR
D25.since-birth What is the earliest age at which you FIRST began experiencing ANY difficulties in any of these areas? (Responded by checking "Since Birth" box)  X_DEM_DISABLE_SINCE_BIRTH DIFBIR
FRAME Are you - (Response to "Sex" categories)  U_DEM_GENDER GENDER
FRAME Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  U_DEM_RACE_CAT RACE
FRAME Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  U_DEM_RACE_ETHNICITY_CAT RACETH
FRAME Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  U_DEM_RACE_ETHNICITY_CAT_PUB RACETHP
FRAME Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  U_DEM_RACE_HISPANIC_CAT HSPTP
FRAME Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  U_DEM_RACE_HISPANIC_ORIGIN_IND HSPIN
SYSTEM To how many national or international professional societies or associations do you currently belong?  D_JOB_PROF_ASSOC_MEMBRSHPS_NONE PRMBRNO
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  E_JOB_EMPLR_LOC_REGION EMRG
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  E_JOB_EMPLR_LOC_REGION_US_NONUS EMUS
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  E_JOB_EMPLR_ST_CTRY_CD EMST
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  H_JOB_SALARY_ANN SALARY
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  H_JOB_SALARY_ANN_PUB SALARP
SYSTEM Using the EDUCATION CODES�,select the relevant degree field code(s) and title(s): SECOND MAJOR OR MINOR  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD BANEDX
SYSTEM FIRST BACHELOR'S DEGREE: Using the EDUCATION CODES, select the relevant degree field code(s) and title(s). (Response to Major field "Code")  J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD BAMEDX
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_CODE BAINCD
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD BAST
SYSTEM Using the EDUCATION CODES�,select the relevant degree field code(s) and title(s): SECOND MAJOR OR MINOR  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD MRNEDX
SYSTEM MOST RECENT DEGREE: Using the EDUCATION CODES, select the relevant degree field code(s) and title(s). (Response to Major field "Code")  M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD MRMEDX
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_CODE MRINCD
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_REGION MRRGN
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_REGION_PUB MRRGNP
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS MRDGRUS
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD MRST
SYSTEM Using the EDUCATION CODES, choose the code that BEST describes your primary field of study during that time.  N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_CAT_RPTD TCEDX
SYSTEM Using the EDUCATION CODES�,select the relevant degree field code(s) and title(s): SECOND MAJOR OR MINOR  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD HDNEDX
SYSTEM HIGHEST DEGREE: Using the EDUCATION CODES, choose the code that BEST describes your primary field of study?  O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD HDMEDX
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_CODE HDINCD
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_REGION HDRGN
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_PUB HDRGNP
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS HDDGRUS
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD HDST
SYSTEM Using the EDUCATION CODES�,select the relevant degree field code(s) and title(s): SECOND MAJOR OR MINOR  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD D2NEDX
SYSTEM SECOND HIGHEST DEGREE: Using the EDUCATION CODES, choose the code that BEST describes your primary field of study?  P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD D2MEDX
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_CODE D2INCD
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD D2ST
SYSTEM Using the EDUCATION CODES�,select the relevant degree field code(s) and title(s): SECOND MAJOR OR MINOR  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD D3NEDX
SYSTEM THIRD HIGHEST DEGREE: Using the EDUCATION CODES, choose the code that BEST describes your primary field of study?  Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD D3MEDX
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_CODE D3INCD
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD D3ST
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  U_DEM_BIRTH_PLACE_ST_CNTRY_CD BTHST
SYSTEM Derived within SESTAT from reported information.  U_RESPONDENT_LOCATION_US_NONUS RESPLCUS
SYSTEM When did you come to the United States to stay?  V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_PERM_IN_US_YEAR FNUSYR
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  Z_REFERENCE_ID_NUMBER REFID
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  Z_SURVEY_IDENTIFIER SURID
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  Z_SURVEY_YEAR REFYR
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  Z_VALID_RECORD_INDICATOR VALIND
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  Z_WEIGHTING_FACTOR WEIGHT
SYSTEM Data item developed by survey contractors using available administrative data.  Z_WEIGHTING_FACTOR_SURVEY WTSURVY

Note: FRAME or SYSTEM refers to administrative data not collected via the questionnaire.

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Updated: April 22, 2004