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Work Portfolio

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We're America's transportation systems center, an innovative, fee-for-service organization with the U.S. Department of Transportation. All of our work supports DOT's goals: Safety, Homeland Security, Mobility and Economic Growth, and Human and Natural Environment as described in U.S. DOT's Strategic Plan 2000-2005. Air traffic management, highway and rail safety, strategic planning and economic analysis, environmental assessment, transportation logistics, and security are only some examples of our work. Volpe Center managers have submitted descriptions of their projects to the Work Portfolio, which is searchable in a variety of ways. If you are looking for a specific word, term, title, or phrase, the Simple Search form below is the easiest option, although the Advanced Search provides you with more search options. You may also use the Advanced Search to browse, for instance, all projects in a given division, or all projects sponsored by a particular customer.

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In order to perform a simple search, enter your term below and check the boxes next to the field(s) that you wish to search. You can select both boxes to search more than one field at a time.

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 US DOT triscallion U.S. Department of Transportation

Research and Special Programs Administration