Nuclear Engineering Division of ANL

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About NE

The Nuclear Engineering (NE) Division is one of the divisions within the Engineering Research Organization of Argonne National Laboratory. Our mission is to apply the expertise gained for Argonne’s historic charge of developing advanced nuclear reactor systems to problems of national and international significance.

NE is a diverse organization making major contributions to key DOE Nuclear Energy programs such as the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative and the Generation-IV Initiative.  We have major roles in NNSA programs, including national security and non-proliferation, international nuclear safety and the RERTR program.  We also have significant activities in other nuclear energy related topics and are developing and expanding our role in other major Laboratory initiatives in National Security Research, Transportation Technology, Hydrogen Research and Development, the Rare Isotope Accelerator and Computational Science, as well as in NE divisional technology initiatives.  The capabilities and experience of our staff are essential to the success of the University of Chicago in expanding its leadership for nuclear technology and the broader issues of energy technology.

Argonne white deers

Mission Statement

The Mission of NE is to apply the expertise gained for Argonne’s historic charge of developing advanced nuclear reactor systems to problems of national and international significance.


Engineering Research Organization of ANL

U.S. Department of Energy

University of Chicago

ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
Operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy

Last modified on June 29, 2004 15:54 +0200