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Privacy and Security Notice

This World Wide Web (WWW) site is provided as a public service by the U.S Government Printing Office (GPO). We believe that a significant part of this service is the assurance of user privacy and security. To protect user privacy, we adhere to the following:

  • For statistical purposes, GPO collects the following data: the IP address from which users access our Web site, the date and time of their visits, the URLs of the pages that they view as well as WAIS searches and retrievals (See example). We use the aggregate statistics to make improvements to GPO Access, not to identify individual users or their searches.
  • GPO does not enable cookies¹ to monitor usage or to gather users’ personal information; however, "session cookies" are used to aid in the selection of items on the U.S. Government Online Bookstore. To take full advantage of the shopping cart features on the U.S. Government Online Bookstore, users must have session cookies enabled on their browser. Session cookies disappear from the user's computer when an Internet session ends.
  • Personal information submitted by a user in a comment or question via phone, fax, or e-mail is not distributed to parties outside of GPO.
  • Using commercial software for security, GPO ensures that only authorized personnel view credit card numbers that are submitted through the GPO Access Online Bookstore.
  • Personal information that is supplied by a user when submitting an order via GPO Access, phone, fax, or e-mail is used for fulfilling that order. This information may be used to notify customers of new products that may be of interest to them. GPO only provides names and addresses, upon request, to the publishing agency of the specific product purchased.
  • Where identifying information is asked, it is used only for responding to users’ comments or questions and is not made available for other purposes.
  • To assist users in finding official Government information, we provide links to other Web sites. Once users have left GPO Access and entered another site, they are subject to the privacy policy of that site.
  • Information presented on GPO Access is considered public information and may be distributed or copied unless otherwise specified.


¹ A cookie is a small piece of information that Web servers or pages store on a user’s hard drive. Cookies allow Internet servers to "remember" specific information about a user. Web sites use them primarily to personalize their sites for individual users, to keep track of orders when users purchase products, and to target advertising toward users based on the information that they access.

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: gpoaccess@gpo.gov.


Last updated: December 6, 2001
Page Name: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/privacy.html