Office of the General Counsel
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Representation Petition Case Processing Time Goals

The following are the Regional Office time targets and goals for the processing of representation petitions. These time targets and goals are benchmarks for the Regions to strive for in processing representation petitions. In order to reach these targets, it is imperative that parties filing petitions should be prepared to present to the Regions at the time they file the petition all the information which is necessary for the Region to process the petition. Similarly, parties participating in the processing of a representation petition should be prepared to present necessary information expeditiously after they have been notified that the petition has been filed.

Petitions which do not comply with the filing requirements in section 2422.3 of the Regulations and which prevent the opening of the case are deficient and must be cured by an amended petition. The time targets and goals set forth below will be tolled until the amended petition curing the deficiency has been filed.

The following are the time targets for the processing of representation petitions:

For those petitions which are decided by a Regional Director Decision and Order without the need for a hearing, the Decision and Order should be issued within

90 days after the petition is filed.

For those petitions which are decided by a Regional Director Decision and Order when a hearing has been held, the Decision and Order should be issued within 150 days after the petition is filed.

For those petitions which result in an election pursuant to an election agreement or a directed election, the tally of ballots for an on-site election, and the mailing of ballots in a mail ballot election, should occur within 90 days after the petition is filed.

For those petitions where there are elections and objections and/or determinative challenged ballots are filed, the objections and/or determinative challenged ballots should be withdrawn or decided in a Regional Director Decision and Order, with or without a hearing, within 60 days after the objections and/or determinative challenged ballots are filed.

The goal is for the Regions to process eighty-five percent (85%) of the representation petitions within the above time targets for each type of action.


see also Quality in Processing Representation Petitions
