EHR > ESIE > Nanoscale
Science and Engineering Education
Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education (NSEE)
2003/2004 Deadlines:
NCLT - Preliminary due November 17, Full due February 20
NISE - Preliminary due November 17, Full due February 20
NIMD - Preliminary due November 17, Full due February 20
NUE - Full due November 17 (preliminary proposals not required)
NSEE represents a comprehensive effort on the part of the National
Science Foundation to enhance nanoscale science and engineering
education. Its goals are to form strong partnerships between researchers
in science and engineering and those in science education; to develop
effective strategies and interventions for integrating nanoscale
science and engineering that will inform other emerging areas of
science and engineering, into formal education in grades 7-16; and
to increase public awareness of advances in nanoscale research and
technology and their impact on society. Among the activities that
will be supported are doctoral programs in science education, the
development of instructional materials and courses for adoption
and implementation in classrooms, grades 7-16, and research on the
cognitive and implementation aspects of the educational interventions.
The goals are carried out through partnerships involving institutions
with the requisite expertise in nanoscale science and engineering
and in education.
NSEE encompasses four independent components:
* Centers for Learning and Teaching (NCLT): Centers are intended
to create educational leadership for emerging areas of science and
engineering by creating doctoral programs, representing collaborations
of researchers in nanoscale science and engineering, education,
and cognitive and behavioral sciences.
* Informal Science Education (NISE): This national effort is intended
to foster public awareness and understanding of nanoscale science
and engineering through development of media projects (film, radio,
television) and exhibits.
* Instructional Materials Development (NIMD): This effort is intended
to support development of prototype instructional materials that
promote student learning and interest in nanoscale science, engineering,
and technology concepts for grades 7-12.
* Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE): This effort continues
an existing program to introduce nanoscale science and technology
through a variety of interdisciplinary approaches into undergraduate
education, particularly in the first two collegiate years.