Voting Assistance Guide Information

Voting Assistance Guide

Cover of the Voting Assistance Guide showing white V and the words Voting Assistance Guide 2004-05 along the bottom right The 2004-05 Voting Assistance Guide is the primary source of information for citizens, covered by UOCAVA, to understand the procedures for registering and voting in their state or territory of legal voting residence.

Chapter 1 of the 2004-05 Voting Assistance Guide contains an overview of the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP).

Chapter 2 provides guidance and instructions for Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs) to help them in carrying out their duties more effectively.

Chapter 3 contains each state's and territory's procedures for registering and voting absentee. All citizens and VAOs should consult this section prior to submitting the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) request for registration and/or ballot. This Chapter also contains addresses for submitting the FPCA to the appropriate local election official.

Appendices contain information of interest to UOCAVA citizens, including: Primary Election Calendar by State, Primary Election Calendar by Month, Electronic Transmission of Election Materials, the complete text of the UOCAVA law, State Tax Liability Information and Definitions.

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