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David Kay's Main Remarks
(Includes welcome by Richard H. Solomon)
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full video Full Video · 69M Download*
Running Time - 51 min

Q&A; Session - Part I
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full video Full Video · 37M Download*
Running Time - 27 min

Q&A; Session - Part II
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full video Full Video · 35M Download*
Running Time - 27 min

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Current Issues Briefing

Weapons of Mass Destruction
What's There, What's Not, and What Does it All Mean?

A United Nations inspector takes a sample of nerve agent from a container. (Courtesy UN)

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

10:00 AM–Noon

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.




At the conclusion of his extensive investigation of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, David Kay's findings raise important questions: What does the discrepancy between the pre-war estimation of Iraq's WMD program and the post-war reality tell us about U.S. intelligence capabilities? What does it tell us about the Saddam Hussein regime? Can lessons be learned from the Iraq case in addressing similar threats posed by other nations? What purposes are served by a continuing search, now led by Charles Duelfer?


  • David Kay
    Former Special Advisor to the Iraq Survey Group, and Chief U.S. Weapons Inspector in Iraq


  • Daniel Serwer
    Director, Peace and Stability Operations, U.S. Institute of Peace

Related Institute Resources

Focus on Iraq
Collection of Institute Resources on Iraq


Establishing the Rule of Law in Iraq
(Special Report, April 2003)

After Saddam Hussein: Winning a Peace If It Comes to War
(Special Report, February 2003)

Other Resources

Kirkuk: A Potential Iraq Hot Spot Needs U.S. Attention Now
(Institute Newsbyte, March 2003)

Humanitarian Responses to a War in Iraq
(Summary and Archived Audio)

Sectarian Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Iraq
(Summary and Archived Audio)

Iraq Web Links
(Annotated Web Links)


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