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The United States Institute of Peace wishes to acknowledge with appreciation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for its support of this meeting, the first in a series of Institute public lectures funded in part by the Hewlett Foundation.

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Archived Audio and Video

Gyude Bryant's Main Remarks
(Includes welcome by Sheryl Brown and Chester Crocker)
Audio Only Audio Only · 6M Download*
full video Full Video · 12M Download*
Running Time - 24 min

Q&A; Session - Part I
Audio Only Audio Only · 11M Download*
full video Full Video · 21M Download*
Running Time - 44 min

Q&A; Session - Part II
Audio Only Audio Only · 15M Download*
full video Full Video · 27M Download*
Running Time - 57 min

*All audio and video available in QuickTime format only.


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Achieving Peace in Liberia
Virtual Town Meeting

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1. How much did this town meeting increase your awareness of Chairman Bryant's plans for maintaining the peace in Liberia?
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3. How much did this Virtual Town Meeting increase your awareness of the U.S. Institute of Peace and its mission?
4. How interested would you be in participating in future U.S. Institute of Peace Virtual Town Meetings?
5. If the U.S. Institute of Peace had an education center/museum on the National Mall in Washington, DC offering exhibits, films, lectures, and other activities about causes of and responses to international conflict, how interested would you be in visiting it?


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