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October 20, 2004

INEEL Capabilities
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INEEL Capability
Decontamination and Decommissioning

Sample Projects

Cool demolition movies (.mov)
EOCR Reactor Building Demolition (2.1 MB)
STF-610 Demolition (2.4 MB)

The Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D) Program in operation today, was established at the INEEL in 1977. Of the 45 surplus, contaminated facilities originally identified, 27 have been decommissioned to date. In the last 4 years the D&D Program has demolished over 150 buildings and structures. There are over 200 additional facilities planned to undergo some sort of D&D activity over the next 10 years.

The Program is managed by INEEL's Environmental Restoration program. It also interfaces with Argonne National Laboratory-West and Naval Reactors Facility D&D Programs to share technology and to coordinate planning activities within the INEEL.

Program activities encompass radiological, chemical, and physical characterization; decision analyses which guide the selection of preferred D&D alternatives; detailed project planning for performance and disposition of waste streams; establishment and maintenance of project documentation; and surveillance and maintenance of contaminated surplus facilities. These efforts support the following objectives:
  • Provide surveillance and maintenance of contaminated surplus facilities waiting for decommissioning to ensure worker health and safety and reduce environmental risk
  • Implement a structured decommissioning program for all present and future INEEL surplus facilities in compliance with federal and state regulations
  • Conduct financial project management, integrated planning and scheduling, and facility engineering to support priority-based decommissioning activities
  • Identify, make available, and reuse surplus materials, equipment, facilities, and property.


INEEL's D&D Program interfaces with a number of other DOE, university, and industry and foreign decommissioning programs. Among these are Ohio closure sites, other DOE sites, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the United Kingdom Dounreay site. D&D; planning assistance and technology information is provided to these other sites.

INEEL's Large Scale Demonstration and Deployment Project - integrated expertise from DOE, industries, universities, and the international community into the deployment of new or innovative decontamination and decommissioning technologies. It identified advanced technologies for inspecting, characterizing, decontaminating, and dismantling facilities. It demonstrated improved technologies alongside the established baseline technologies. Performance indicators such as requirements, cost, effectiveness, implementation, worker exposure, and secondary waste generation were tracked for each technology demonstrated. Results were documented and shared with other DOE sites, universities and private industry. The development and testing of D&D; technologies continues to receive strong emphasis at the INEEL.

Integrated Decontamination and Decommissioning Project - has its goal to increase the use of innovative, proven technologies over current baseline methods within the DOE complex. New technologies provide improvements over baseline methods in cost, schedule, radiation exposure, waste volume, or safety. This project is expected to increase use of these technologies throughout the DOE complex by increasing experience and familiarity with the selected innovative technologies.

Contacts:   Richard Meservey

Page contact: Reuel Smith,

Updated: Wednesday, May 05, 2004
For general inquiries about the INEEL, please call 1-800-708-2680.
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The INEEL is operated for the DOE by Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC.
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