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MorElectric Truck Begins Field Validation

October 20, 2004

DOE's Advanced Powertrain Research Facility is Now Hydrogen-Capable

October 15, 2004

DOE and EPA Announce Fuel Economy Leaders for Model Year 2005

October 7, 2004

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2004 Fuel Cell Seminar

November 1-5, 2004

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Facts of the Week

Fact of the Week: Reasons for Rejecting a Particular New Car Model

October 25, 2004

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New Methods Produce Low-Temperature, Soot-Free Diesel Combustion
Oak Ridge Lab Assists NASCAR Teams
New Methods Produce Low-Temperature, Soot-Free Diesel Combustion ORNL's High Temperature Materials Laboratory Assists NASCAR Teams

Vehicle Systems
Technologies that will significantly improve fuel economy, comply with projected emissions and safety regulations, and use domestically produced fuels

Advanced Materials
Lightweight, high-strength materials for improved energy efficiency without compromising safety, performance, recyclability, and cost

New fuels and lubricants that can reduce our dependence on petroleum-based products with fewer environmental impacts

Engines & Emission Control
Innovative strategies for gasoline- and diesel-powered engines that offer efficiency and emissions improvements

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The FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program serves as the Executive Secretariat for the federal government for the FreedomCAR and Fuel Partnership and the 21st Century Truck Partnership, as well as conducting technical research and development activities that support these partnerships.

FreedomCAR and Fuel Partnership

FreedomCAR is neither a car nor a prototype — instead, it represents a new approach to powering the vehicles of the future. The "CAR" in FreedomCAR stands for Cooperative Automotive Research between the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Council for Automotive Research, and the energy industry.

FreedomCAR focuses government support on fundamental, high-risk research that applies to multiple passenger-vehicle models and emphasizes the development of fuel cells and hydrogen infrastructure technologies.

21st Century Truck Partnership

Addressing the challenges facing today's heavy-duty transportation sector requires that industry and government work together as partners to find new technologies and approaches for the future.

The 21st Century Truck Partnership brings together 16 industrial partners and four federal government departments. Through cooperative research, the partners are developing a balanced portfolio of projects aimed at achieving key goals, coordinating their research activities as appropriate, and making effective use of the nation's research universities and national laboratories.


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