U.S. Geological Survey

Thematic Maps

Enter a word, phrase, or number (case insensitive) in the box below, and then click on SEARCH to view a list of all titles that contain your entry. For example, enter silver (or SILVER) to view all publications that contain the word "silver" in the title. If you want to view a specific map, enter the map's number; for example, MF2000. Or you can view all maps of a specific type by entering the type's abbreviation; for example, enter GQ to view all GQ maps.

Abbreviations used to denote map series:
C, Coal Investigations
CP, Circum-Pacific Maps
GP, Geophysical Investigations Maps
GQ, Geologic Quadrangle Maps
HA, Hydrologic Investigations Atlases
I, Miscellaneous Investigations/Geologic Investigations
MF, Miscellaneous Field Studies
MR, Mineral Investigations Resources Maps
OC, Oil and Gas Charts
OM, Oil and Gas Maps
SG, State Geologic Maps

Links to special lists of Geologic Investigations Maps:
Maps of areas within the United States not listed by State
Maps of areas outside the United States
Extraterrestrial maps


U.S. Department of the Interior - U.S. Geological Survey
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Last Modified Thr Feb 15 11:41 EDT 2001
Website Maintained by: Tracy Pinto
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