Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) –
Information Collections


The Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information goal is a fully searchable dynamic information resource that provides organized access to a comprehensive resource of scientific and technical information in physics and other disciplines of concern to the Department of Energy.  (Flyer for OSTI Web-Based Resources for Energy, Science, and Technology Information)

OSTI provides three vast virtual resources covering each of the three main ways by which scientists communicate their findings: Many other information resources of interest are available:

R&D Results

Literature issued by noncommercial sources such as government agencies, research laboratories/facilities, and educational institutions; typically unavailable through commercial publishers; includes technical reports, conference papers, dissertations, and other materials published by the author's sponsor or employer. Gray literature, which includes technical reports produced by Department of Energy National Laboratories and grantees, is presented in the DOE Information Bridge. It has over 60,000 searchable reports comprising millions of pages.

DOE Information Bridge, Public Web site – (No registration or password required) Searchable and downloadable bibliographic records and full text of DOE research report literature from 1995 forward; see Technical Requirements. (DOE Information Bridge, Public Web site Flyer)

Energy Citations Database (ECD), Public Web site – Bibliographic records for energy and energy-related scientific and technical information from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research & Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Energy Citations Database provides access to DOE publicly available citations from 1948 forward.  (Energy Citations Database (ECD) Flyer)

GrayLIT Network – The world's most comprehensive portal to over 130,000 full-text technical reports.  Federal Agencies participating in this project are DoD, DOE, EPA, and NASA.  (GrayLIT Network Flyer)

Sources for DOE Technical Reports

E-print Literature

Literature issued by the author; typically any work posted on the Internet by the author at his/her home institution or at a preprint repository; includes papers considered in final form or those circulated for comment via the Internet; also referred to as "e-prints."

E-print Network – The E-print Network is a searchable gateway that provides access to preprint servers from around the world by which scientists communicate their findings covering such disciplines as physics, mathematics, chemistry, and other topics of interest to the Department of Energy. Links to 10,000 servers in 35 countries housing 500,000 documents are provided, and patrons are able to browse or search specific sites or search a selected set of sites. Especially innovative is the distributed search feature of the E-print Network which allows patrons to launch parallel searches on any or all of the preprint servers that have their own search engines.  (E-print Network Flyer)

E-print Alerts – Provides users an automatic way of receiving the most current preprints from 28 databases.  Individuals simply set up a personalized profile, and the newest preprint information will be delivered to their desktops via email on a weekly basis.

Journal Literature

Open source literature (articles and citations) published by journal publishers that generally provide peer review of the articles prior to publication; includes publications issued by commercial publishers or professional societies.  

R&D Announcement Sites

DOE R&D Accomplishments – A central forum for information about the outcomes of past DOE R&D that have had significant economic impact, have improved people's lives, or have been widely recognized as a remarkable advance in science. The DOE R&D Accomplishments Database contains searchable and downloadable bibliographic citations and full-text reports of R&D accomplishments.  (DOE R&D Accomplishments Flyer)

DOE R&D Project Summaries – Current information on approximately 20,000 research and development projects underway at the Department of Energy.  (DOE R&D Project Summaries Flyer)

DOE Research and Development Portfolio – Describes the scope of DOE R&D Programs

Federal Research and Development Project Summaries – Access Federal R&D information from over 400,000 project summaries with single query searching from individual databases residing at DOE, NSF, and NIH.  (Federal Research and Development Project Summaries Flyer)

Specialized Information Resources and Software

E-LinkOnline submission of electronic DOE STI reports/products.

ETDEWEB – ETDE World Energy Base includes information on the environmental impact of energy production and use, including climate change; energy R&D; energy policy; nuclear, coal, hydrocarbon, and renewable energy technologies; and much, much more.

ETDE – Serial Titles (supplement)
ETDE – Subject Categories and Scope (full-text publication)
ETDE Subject Thesaurus
ETDE Subject Thesaurus

EnergyFiles: Virtual Library of Energy Science and Technology – An expanding resource of energy-related scientific and technical information (STI) available through connected worldwide energy resources.  (EnergyFiles Flyer)

Energy Science and Technology Database (EDB) and Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) – Bibliographic information and abstracts for energy related information, including international references.

Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC) – Software funded by the Department of Energy.

International Energy Information – International information including links to ETDE and INIS.

OSTI Government Information Locator System (GILS) Records – OSTI information resource pointers in support of DOE's effort to make information publicly accessible.

Customized Information Tools

Customized information tools are provided to a number of individual DOE offices and other non-DOE government entities. The following items were developed by OSTI to meet the needs of others.

Closeout Records Transfer and Storage Database – Online retrieval for boxed records stored in Federal Record Centers from DOE's closeout sites.

DOE Invention Licensing Home Page – Information on Department-owned patents and patent applications available for license for commercial use and links to its associated databases.

Environmental Management Science Program (EMSP) Home PageProvides information on the EMSP, including abstracts and other information about the program's research grants and contracts.

Environmental Science Network (ESN)Serves as a clearinghouse for environmental management information from a variety of sources.  ESN Alerts notify users of new information in their area of interest.

Enviro-Science e-Print ServiceA multi-agency project of DOE's Environmental  Management Science Program (EMSP), the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, content partners, and sponsors.  It uses EPA's Environmental Information Management System to access manuscripts of journal articles and book chapters, conference papers, presentations, posters, and selected technical reports in environmental management science.

Energy-Related Laboratory Equipment (ERLE) The ERLE Grant Program was established by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by executive order to grant used available equipment to institutions of higher education for energy-related research. This ERLE Web-based application system allows colleges and universities to list, search, and apply for ERLE grants on-line.

International Agreements Database – Provides information on bilateral and multilateral agreements between the United States and other countries.

Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Home Page Provides access to its Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences Division, its Technology Research Division, OSTI, and SBIR/STTR. 

Office of Biological and Environmental Research (OBER) Abstracts Database – Information on OBER's research projects in the areas of Life Sciences, Medical Science, and Environmental Sciences.

Office of Policy and International Affairs OnlineThe Office of Policy and International Affairs has responsibility for international energy policy, leads the Department's bilateral and multilateral cooperation with other nations and international organizations, participates in international treaty negotiations, implements the Department's developing countries strategy, and coordinates the implementation of international cooperative agreements.

Office of Science AlertsModeled after the PrePRINT Alerts, this service provides users an automatic way of receiving the most current preprints from 28 databases.  Individuals simply set up a personalized profile, and the newest preprint information will be delivered to their desktops via email on a weekly basis.

Ohio Field Office P2 Web SiteCurrent and historical P2 information relevant to
the clean-up and closeout effort of the five DOE sites under the purview of the Ohio Operations Office. 

OpenNet – References to all documents declassified and made publicly available after October 1, 1994.

Procurement and Assistance Data System OnlineCentral repository of contractual information for all unclassified procurement and financial assistance awards. The data found in PADS ON-LINE have been specifically selected based on hundreds of information requests that flow through DOE each year. Not all of the PADS data are selected for display on PADS ON-LINE.

Scientific Advancement Through Scientific Computing –   Read about the Office of Science's advanced  scientific computing program, basic energy sciences, biology and the environment, fusion programs, and high-energy and nuclear physics.

Subject PortalsSubject-specific Web sites providing full-text DOE scientific and technical reports, links to journal literature, and other information sources pertaining to the following subjects: Photovoltaics, Geothermal EnergyFreedomCar & Vehicle Technologies, Wind Energy, and Hydropower.  (Subject Portals Flyer)

E-News Service - E-PhySCI News, issued periodically by OSTI, informs recipients about developments related to information in the Physical Sciences.

