U.S. Department of Transportation
Center for Climate Change and Environmental Forecasting
About the CenterAbout Transportation and Climate ChangeResearch, Partnership, and EventsPapers and PublicationsRelated DOT ProgramsRelated Links
»Greenhouse Gas Reduction Through State and Local Transportation Planning - Final Report
»Fuel Options for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Motor Vehicles - Final Report
»The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Transportation: Workshop Summary & Proceedings

The Center is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Transportation, dedicated to fostering awareness of the potential links between transportation and global climate change, and to formulating policy options to deal with the challenges posed by these links. As shown in the pie chart below, transportation activities accounted for over a quarter of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2002.

Percentage of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2002
* Pie Chart of U.S. Percentage of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Electricity Generation=33.2%, Transportation=27%, Industry=19.3%, Agriculture=7.6%, Residential=5.6%, Commercial=7.3%.
* Excluding emissions in US territories, which accounted for 0.67% of total emissions.
Data Source: EPA Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, 2004
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