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Argonne Researchers to Be Honored for "Best" Paper at an ASME Conference

On October 26, 2004, mechanical engineer Stephen Ciatti will receive an award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for having given the best presentation at the 24th Conseil International des Machines a Combustion (CIMAC)/ASME World Congress on Combustion Engine Technology, in Kyoto, Japan, last June. Ciatti will accept the award on behalf of himself and his colleagues, Chris Powell, Seong-Kyun Cheong, and Jinyuan Liu and Michigan Technological University professor Franz X. Tanner. Their paper, "Comparison of X-Ray-Based Fuel Spray Measurements with Computer Simulation Using the CAB Model," pinpointed the reason for discrepancies that had arisen between Argonne's X-ray measurements of diesel fuel spray profiles and optical measurements made by other research groups. (More...) Steve Ciatti at ASME Conference

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TTRDC Logo Welcome to the redesigned Argonne transportation web site. (More...)
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TransForum TransForum Newsletter
Summer 2004
Fuel Cell Truck GCtool: A Powerful Tool for Optimizing Fuel Cells and Other Power Systems (857kb pdf)

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