White-Collar Crimes, which are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence, are those illegal acts characterized by fraud, deceit, concealment, or violation of trust. Such acts are committed by individuals and organizations to obtain money, property or services; to avoid the payment or loss of money or services; or to secure a personal, political, or business advantage.
White-Collar Crime is the largest criminal program and highest investigative priority for the FBI within the states of Colorado and Wyoming, and for good reason. White-Collar Crimes cost the citizens of Colorado and Wyoming billions of dollars annually and frequently go unreported. These often invisible crimes are expensive, both to organizations and, ultimately, all consumers who pay for the crimes in the form of higher fees, fewer services and/or direct personal financial loss.
From the overwhelming number and variety of White-Collar Crimes, the FBI has identified and classified the most flagrant crime problems into twelve national priority crime problem areas, all of which exist in Colorado and Wyoming, and are being vigorously investigated by the FBI:
[Colorado Resident Agencies] [Wyoming Resident Agencies] [Employment with the Denver Division]
[Community Outreach Program] [Press Releases] [White-Collar Crimes]
[NFIP International/Domestic Terrorism] [Violent Crimes]
[Organized Crime - Drugs - HIDTA] [Victim Witness Assistance Program]
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