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Surviving Culture Shock at School
It’s a challenge moving to a new country, starting a new life, and learning a new language. At first you may feel like Isabel: a little frustrated at not being able to express yourself. You may feel like you’re alone and might not like the way things are taught. All of these feelings are normal. You may be going through culture shock at school. Culture shock is a very common reaction of someone who is learning a new culture and a new language. More

Someday I Will Vote
Grandma always tells me the story about how 84 years ago women were not allowed to vote and how important voting is—she says it gives women a voice, a way to be heard. My sister just turned 18 years old and she’s so excited about voting in the 2004 election. I don’t really understand everything about voting, but I can see how important it is to them! More

Because I Am Mexican…
When I graduated high school and went to college, I met a girl named Mia from Oregon. Mia was my roommate and, like me, was half Mexican and half Anglo. Talking to someone so much like me was so much fun! More

The Hottest Shoes in My Closet
My running shoes are among my most important possessions. I was 11 years old the first time I put them on. That day, I walked over to the track imagining I was following the steps of all the Olympians! My friends didn’t really understand why I’d want to hang out at the track––they told me running laps seemed like a punishment, and that running is not a sport. But those running shoes lapped up that track, and before I knew it I had joined the cross-country team. Looking back, I see how running has helped my mind, body, and soul… More

Guest of The Month

Luz Lazo
Journalist, Bilingual Writer for KidsPost

“How can I not be proud of a culture that extends itself in so many ways! For me, being a part of this culture is having a life full of colors. The music; food; language; joyous, happy people; and traditions are all a part of my life. And now…I have added something else to my life––the North American life—what else could I ask for? I have the perfect combination to be successful: a great determination to succeed that I carry in my blood like all of my people and the support of a country that has opened doors so I can achieve everything I want to in life.”

Luz Lazo

Read more about her…

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