Marine Corps Logistics Bases
Customer Service Survey
I & I Technical Assistance Visit

Our goal is to provide you with the best possible service and your input is vital to our success.  Please help us to serve you and others better by taking a few minutes to answer the questions below.  At a minimum, either the I&I or the unit commander should complete this survey.  We have also provided additional copies to allow the commodity managers to complete it as well.  A self-addressed

Identifying Information:

Unit Evaluated
Dates Evaluated (MM/DD/YYYY)
Person Completing this Survey Unit Commander
I & I
Commodity Manager

Motor Transport

Your name/rank
Your work phone number
Your site address


  Choose as Appropriate
The Evaluation Team was professional in appearance and demeanor
The Evaluation Team had excellent military bearing
The Evaluation Team’s uniform appearance was excellent
The Evaluation Team was knowledgeable and technically proficient


Choose as Appropriate
During the In-Brief, the Evaluation Team explained what they were going to do (their purpose in being there)
The Evaluation Team was helpful
The Evaluation Team identified problems AND offered solutions and/or assistance
The Evaluation Team was appropriately sized for the amount of equipment at my site
The Evaluation Team spent sufficient time at my site
The Evaluation Team used their time wisely
Sufficient time was given to Limited Technical Inspections (LTIs)
Sufficient time was given to administrative/ maintenance management issues
If the Evaluation Team visit was during a drill period, sufficient training time was given to the Reserves
The Evaluation Out-Brief adequately covered the visit and constructive comments were presented
My overall experience with the Evaluation Team was positive.

Additional information:

  Yes No Explanation
Did the Evaluation Team visit at the right time?
(If "no" was the problem the weather, an on-going exercise, or something else? Please explain)
Did the Evaluation Team have enough Commodity Evaluators? (If no, what Commodity was not sufficiently covered or needed more Evaluators?)
Did the Evaluation Team offer Surge Maintenance Team support?
Would Surge Maintenance Team support would be useful to my site? (Why or why not?)
Would this site be willing to pay for Surge Maintenance Team support?


What changes would you like to see on Technical Assistance visits?

Comments on the Evaluation Team, site visit, or the evaluation?


Please send questions and comments to CWO3 Corderman or MSGT Schultz.

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