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Common Application Errors

This information is provided to make you aware of some of the common errors made by our applicants when filing their applications. If you have questions about any of this information, please phone 1-888-225-5322.

Applications with fee payment attached are inadvertently mailed to the Gettysburg, PA location

Applications submitted with fee payment must be sent to the post office box in Pittsburgh, PA designated for the radio service in which you are filing. These post office box addresses can be found in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Fee Filing Guide or by calling 1-888-225-5322. It is extremely important that you file your application and fee payment to the correct post office box address.

Non-Feeable Applications

Non-feeable applications, timely resubmitted applications, and non-feeable correspondence should be submitted to the Gettysburg, PA location (1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245).

No Fee Processing Form (FCC 159) is submitted.

Effective December 15th 1997, any payment to the FCC must be accompanied by a completed FCC Form 159 (July 1997 edition). To obtain an FCC Form 159, see Wireless Forms. If you have more applications than will fit on a single FCC Form 159, the FCC has designed a supplemental " Continuation Sheet " (FCC Form 159-C) for that purpose.

No Payment Type Code or Wrong Payment Type Code on submission

A Payment Type Code (Fee Type Code) must be entered on or FCC Form 159. Specific codes have been established according to the type and purpose of your application. It is extremely important to submit your application with the correct Payment Type Code. These codes can be found in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Fee Filing Guide or by calling 1-888-225-5322.

FCC receives only a Form 159 and fee payment

The FCC Form 159 is a Fee Processing Form and not an application. With the exception of electronic filing payments, you must always submit an application or piece of correspondence with your FCC Form 159, whichever is applicable to the purpose of filing.

FCC receives a check/money order with nothing attached.

You should never submit a remittance to the FCC without an FCC Form 159. Additionally, with the exception of payment for electronic filing, an application or piece of correspondence must also be included.

No fee or insufficient fee submitted with feeable applications

The FCC frequently receives feeable applications without the required fee or an insufficient amount is submitted. The required fees are reviewed annually and adjusted accordingly. Current fee amounts can be found in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Fee Filing Guide or by calling 1-888-225-5322. Please be sure you have current information before filing your application.

Remittance is not made payable to the FCC

The FCC often receives checks and money orders payable to entities other than the FCC or Federal Communications Commission. If the payee is questionable, the FCC cannot accept your remittance for deposit and your submission will be returned to you without action. Please make your check/money order payable to FCC or Federal Communications Commission. We also cannot accept third party checks or checks dated more than 6 months prior to receipt at the FCC.

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Last Reviewed/Updated on 10/15/2002

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