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License Audits

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About License Audits

In keeping with its responsibilities to efficiently and effectively manage the wireless radio spectrum, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) began conducting license audits in order to update and increase the accuracy of the Commission’s licensing records.

In the first license audit, which began in August 2001, the WTB examined Private Land Mobile licenses, operating on coordinated frequencies below 800 MHz, in the Business and Public Safety Radio Services. As a result of this audit’s success, the WTB developed license audit software, which is integrated with the Universal Licensing System (ULS), making the audit process easier for all parties involved.

In the second audit, which began in May 2003, the WTB examined certain 220 MHz site-specific licenses, authorized under Phase I of 220 MHz licensing. In a Public Notice released in November 2003, DA 03-3666, the WTB announced that it had recovered 32% of the licenses in the audited services.

In its third and current audit, the WTB is examining licenses authorized under Part 22 in the “CD” radio service and licenses authorized under Part 90 on exclusive channels in the “GS” radio service.

For detailed information on specific license audits, see:

  • Paging Audit
    Part 22 (CD) and Part 90 (GS - Exclusive Channels) Licenses
  • 220 MHz Audit
    220-222 MHz Commercial, Site-specific Licenses
  • PLMRS Audit
    Private Land Mobile Licenses, on coordinated frequencies below 800 MHz, in the IG, YG, PW, and YW Radio Services

It is important to note that a response to an audit letter is mandatory. Failure to provide a timely response may result in the Commission presuming that the station has permanently discontinued operations and thus the license may be presumed to have automatically cancelled. Failure to provide a timely response may also result in enforcement action, including monetary forfeiture pursuant to Section 503(b)(1)(B) of the Communications Act and 47 CFR Section 1.80(a)(2) of the Commission’s rules.

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Last reviewed/updated on 9/27/2004.

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