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REGISTER - Get Your FRN & CORES Password

Getting Started with ULS
Get your FRN & CORES Password
Use ULS Online Filing
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Before using ULS, you must first register with the FCC’s Commission Registration System (CORES) to receive an FCC Registration Number (FRN).

Note: ULS now requires your FRN as your login. TINs are no longer accepted.

You may already have an FRN. You DO NOT need to register if:

  1. You previously registered with CORES and received an FRN, or

  2. You previously registered in ULS and had wireless licenses or antenna structure registrations associated with your Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN) prior to December 3, 2001 AND you can verify this FRN. See below for tips on finding your FRN.

To determine the FRN associated with an existing license, use ULS License Search and search by Call Sign or Licensee ID. The FRN will appear on the search results page and the License Detail page for each license. To determine the FRN associated with existing antenna structure registrations, use ASR Registration Search, and search by Registration Number or Licensee ID. Your FRN will be displayed on the Owner Tab within the registration record. After determining your FRN, choose Online Filing from the ULS Home page. Please refer to Using ULS Online Filing for more information.

Note: You may hold multiple FRNs from the Commission, but each call sign or ASR number can be associated with only one FRN.

Follow these steps to register in CORES -

  1. Select the CORES/Call Sign Registration button from the ULS Home page.

  2. On the following page choose Register Now, and click Continue. You will be linked to CORES.

  3. You will be prompted to register as an Individual or Business Entity. Provide your Social Security Number, if you are filing as an individual, or Employer Identification Number, if you are filing as a Business Entity. If you cannot provide this information, contact Technical Support for an explanation of the Exemption Reasons. Next, complete each CORES registration screen by providing your contact information and other data requested by the system.

  4. When prompted, choose a password between 6 and 15 characters in length and a suitable password hint to help you remember your password.

  5. CORES will present you with a confirmation page displaying your FCC Registration Number (FRN), your password, and your password hint. Print this page for your records—you will need to use your FRN and CORES password to apply for and manage licenses within ULS and antenna structures within ASR.

  6. Under the heading “To continue on to another FCC Filing system,” choose ULS.

  7. An intermediate screen will appear. If you have existing call signs or antenna structure registrations (but were not previously assigned an FRN), you must ‘associate’ these records with your newly-issued FRN in ULS. Choose the option for Call Sign/ASR Number Registration to complete this process. If you are a first-time applicant to ULS, click on the option for ULS Online Filing.

  8. When you have returned to ULS, enter your new FRN and CORES password to login and begin the online filing process.

Note: When you login ULS or ASR to submit a New application or register an antenna structure, make sure you use the FRN you want associated with that filing.

You may return to the CORES/Call Sign and CORES/ASR registration facilities at any time to update your login information, call signs, or ASR numbers.


For those interested in taking an Amateur License test, we strongly recommend that you pre-register before the examination. Amateur Clubs need to contact FCC Technical Support.


Your CORES password ensures that only you and your authorized representatives are able to update your CORES registration information and make changes to your licenses or antenna structure registrations. Your password must be 6 to 15 characters long and is case-sensitive. Use a password hint that does not contain the actual password itself. If you forget your password or have other password-related questions, contact FCC Technical Support.

Next >> FILE: Using ULS Online Filing

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Last reviewed/updated on 12/17/2003.

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