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Operation of an amateur station requires an amateur operator license grant from the FCC. Before receiving a license grant, you must pass an examination administered by a team of volunteer examiners (VEs). The VEs determine the license operator class for which you are qualified through the testing of your skills and abilities in operating an amateur station. You can contact a VE team in your community to make arrangements for being administered the examination elements you desire. If you need assistance in finding a VE team in your area, contact a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC).

 Changing an Address

Licensees are required to apply for timely modification of their licenses as necessary to show their correct mailing address, name, club name, license trustee, or custodian name.

 Checking Application Status

On the next business day following a successful submission of an application, you can check the status of your application in the Universal Licensing System.

 Obtaining Vanity Call Signs

The FCC offers licensees the opportunity to request a specific call for their primary station and for their club station.

 Renewing a License

Licensees may file for renewal 30-60 days, but no more than 90 days, before their license expiration date. If your license expires, you may apply for renewal of the license for another term during a two-year filing grace period.

 Replacing a License

If an original license document or permit document is lost, mutilated or destroyed, a licensee may request a replacement.

 Requesting Verification

An administering Amateur VE must give credit to an examinee holding an expired or unexpired FCC-issued Technician Class operator license document granted before March 21, 1987: Element 3(B) - §97.505 (a)(8). If the examinee does not have the original Technician class license, a verification letter stating he/she was licensed prior to March 21, 1987 may be requested from the Commission.

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Last reviewed/updated on 10/1/2003.

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