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AHRQ Focus on Research: HIV Disease

Expert Meeting to Specify Priority HIV Policy-Relevant Issues

HIVnet: Interactive Tool for HIV/AIDS Statistics

HIV Research Network: Patient Interviews, Patient Safety, and Future Directions

Notice on HIV Guideline Products

AIDS Cost and Services Utilization Survey (ACSUS)

ACSUS Survey Design
Doctors' and Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes
Health Care Use
Health Insurance Coverage

Research Findings

Research Activities, May 2004:
Improved pain management could reduce use of outpatient care and associated costs for patients with HIV disease

Research Activities, April 2004:
Incidence of hepatitis C virus is low among HIV-infected women and usually is linked to drug use

Research Activities, February 2004:
AHRQ researchers examine use of hospital, emergency, and outpatient care among patients with HIV disease

Research Activities, January 2004:
Assay for HIV protease inhibitors in patient blood developed to improve patient care
Recent HCSUS studies focus on HIV infection in older individuals and women, use of complementary and alternative therapies, and insurance status

Research Activities, December 2003:
HIV patients who are coinfected with HCV and those who take a protease inhibitor are at increased risk of hyperglycemia

Research Activities, November 2003:
Immune activation and related loss of infection-fighting T cells are drive by HIV infection and not illicit drug use
Researchers report recent findings from the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study

Research Activities, September 2003:
Generalist physicians experienced in HIV/AIDS care can provide care comparable to that of HIV/AIDS specialists

Research Activities, August 2003:
Strategies to increase adherence to therapy among HIV/AIDS patients should target different HIV risk groups

Research Activities, July 2003:
Among people with HIV/AIDS, whites are much more likely than blacks to use medication to treat psychological problems

Research Activities, March 2002:
People who have HIV experience more problems with inpatient than outpatient care
Title I funds from the Ryan White Act help many people with HIV/AIDS, but there are waiting lists for some services

Research Activities, January 2003:
Underfunded State-operated AIDS drug assistance programs are struggling to provide medications to those in need

Research Activities, December 2002:
HIV studies examine impact of opportunistic infections, HIV load, and other factors on death and life quality

Research Activities, November 2002:
Nearly 20 percent of work discrimination charges filed in the 1990s by people with HIV disease had merit

Research Activities, October 2002:
One-fifth of deaths among women infected with HIV are due to causes other than AIDS

Research Activities, September 2002:
Almost three-fourths of rural residents with HIV or AIDS go to urban areas for health care

Research Activities, August 2002:
Researchers examine use of highly active HIV medications and their effects on costs and access to care
Oral health is strongly associated with physical and mental health of HIV-positive patients
Routine voluntary HIV testing of all hospital patients could identify a substantial number of patients with undiagnosed HIV

Research Activities, July 2002:
HIV diagnosis may increase opportunities for medical interactions and interventions, including mammography
HCSUS studies examine the impact of rural location, insurance, and physician expertise on HIV/AIDS care

Research Activities, May 2002:
Black and Hispanic HIV patients are less likely than white patients to get experimental medications
Study links nonadherence to HIV treatment regimens and women's risky sexual behavior
Drug treatment and intensive case management programs are needed to reduce HIV risk among homeless women

Research Activities, April 2002:
Severe liver toxicity occurs with certain HIV medications, especially among people coinfected with HIV and hepatitis
Researchers examine treatment issues for HIV-infected women
HCSUS studies examine Pap screening followup for HIV-positive women and lifestyle changes following HIV diagnosis

Research Activities, March 2002:
HIV suppression, smoking cessation, and selective use of medications can reduce dry mouth associated with HIV infection
Hospital use and mortality rates for people with AIDS vary substantially by race/ethnicity and location

Research Activities, February 2002:
Researchers examine the benefits of potent antiretroviral therapy and treatment compliance among patients with HIV
Researchers compare three regimens of highly active antiretroviral therapy for treating HIV patients

Research Activities, January 2002:
HPV testing should be added to cervical cancer screening of HIV-positive women

Research Activities, December 2001:
Increasing public assistance for HIV-infected patients could lower hospital costs and increase work productivity
Case management appears to be associated with fewer unmet needs among people with HIV infection

Research Activities, November 2001:
Racial/ethnic disparities remain in HIV-related hospitalizations, despite improved treatments
HCSUS studies examine mental health, drug abuse, insurance effects, and quality of life among people with HIV

Research Activities, September 2001:
Highly active antiretroviral therapy has extended AIDS-free survival time for some patients

Research Activities, August 2001:
Targeting specific HIV-related symptoms that most diminish functioning would improve life for those with HIV disease
HIV infection is associated with a greater number of skin abnormalities among women as well as men

Research Activities, June 2001:
Antifungal drug fluconazole found to be effective in preventing thrush in people who are HIV positive

Research Activities, May 2001:
HIV-infected patients with certain sociodemographic characteristics are less likely to take antiretroviral therapy
Dental problems go unresolved in many HIV patients

Research Activities, March 2001:
New HIV therapies have led to a decline in hospital costs for most patients

Research Activities, February 2001:
People with HIV vary in their physical and role functioning

Research Activities, January 2001:
Women are less likely than men to receive antiretroviral drug therapies for HIV/AIDS
Vitamin A deficiency may contribute to the development of cervical cancer lesions in HIV-infected women
People with Medicaid coverage and a usual source of care are less likely than others to delay care after HIV diagnosis

Research Activities, November 2000:
Number of HIV symptoms more accurately predicts patients' quality of life than disease stage or CD4 cell count
Social relationships, coping strategies, and mood all influence the adjustment of people living with HIV disease

Research Activities, September 2000:
Florida's Medicaid AIDS waiver program improves patients' health and reduces costs, especially for hospital care
Kaposi's sarcoma is more likely to develop in HIV-infected people who also have herpesvirus type 8 infection
Total costs in the United States for treating people with HIV disease were $7 to $8 billion in 1996
Researchers examine access to care, symptom prevalence, and health care services for patients with HIV infection

Research Activities, August 2000:
Serum albumin level can predict disease progression in patients with HIV infection

Research Activities, June 2000:
Length of survival of patients hospitalized for HIV infection vary according to the patient's race

Research Activities, May 2000:
Researchers examine factors affecting quality of life for people with HIV

Research Activities, April 2000:
Coinfection with hepatitis B or C does not necessarily rule out antiretroviral therapy for HIV patients

Research Activities, February 2000:
Work and other daily activities cause one-third of people with HIV infection to delay or forego needed medical care
CD4 cell count is a strong predictor of short-term survival among HIV-infected women

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