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Health Technology Assessment

Technology Assessments

Research Findings

Research Activities, April 2004:
Physicians should give patients with kidney failure more information about the option of peritoneal dialysis
Medicare drug benefit bill will increase physicians' exposure to drug formularies

Research Activities, January 2004:
Greater deployment of automated external defibrillators at select public locations is likely to be cost effective

Research Activities, November 2003:
Duration of catheterization and other factors increase the likelihood of catheter-related urinary tract infection

Research Activities, September 2003:
Rapid MRI costs more but offers little benefit over x-ray for diagnosing the cause of low back pain
Computer-based telecolposcopy may offer superior diagnostic services to clinicians and patients in remote areas

Research Activities, July 2001:
Researchers examine the accuracy of current technology for diagnosing acute cardiac ischemia

Research Activities, September 1996:
A verdict on the value of stem-cell transplantation in multiple myeloma awaits the results of ongoing studies

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