Funded Projects

Research on Children's Health:
New Starts, FY 2003
New Starts, FY 2002
New Starts, FY 2001
New Starts, FY 2000
New Starts, FY 1999
New Starts, FY 1998
New Starts, FY 1997
New Starts, FY 1996

Child Health Insurance Research Initiative (CHIRI™)

Child Health Research Findings

Evidence Reports:
Acute Otitis Media, Management (June 2000)
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Diagnosis (October 1999)
Bronchiolitis in Infants and Children, Management (January 2003)
Determining Disability in Infants and Children, Failure to Thrive (March 2003)
Determining Disability in Infants and Children, Low Birth Weight (March 2003)
Determining Disability in Infants and Children, Short Stature (March 2003)
Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia, Management (November 2002)
Traumatic Brain Injury in Children and Adolescents, Rehabilitation (October 1999)

Grant Awards Relevant to Racial and Ethnic Minority Children, FY 2002 (April 2003)

Information Technology and Children's Health Care (September 2000)

Preventive Services for Children (February 2002)

Supporting Research that Improves Health Care for Children and Adolescents (June 1999)

Pediatric Conditions: Medical Effectiveness Treatment Program (MEDTEP) (1989-1996)

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