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Volpe Center Outreach Events - 2004

New Dimensions in Transportation

Interlacing both the physical and economic dimensions of the Nation, transportation now stands at a nexus of two forces -- an irresistible push toward greater speed and throughput against the unyielding constraints of security and safety. Technological innovation is reshaping transportation at nearly all levels. Meanwhile, behavioral and social changes brought on in part by 9/11, have cast a net of uncertainty over conventional expectations concerning the growth, role, and packaging of transportation services. Previously documented crosscutting themes such as energy dependence, infrastructure assurance, and environmental symbiosis have grown no less important in understanding the systemic nature of transportation and the changes now being visited upon it. From a societal standpoint, many of the responsible factors and emergent issues are clearly observable, if not acceptable, and have been addressed to varying degrees elsewhere. Other important factors have received little or no attention.

The Volpe Center, in a series of 6, one-day workshops, will provide an outreach forum for discussing these significant and unaddressed factors, how they operate to rethink or influence solutions, and how they are establishing new protocols for the movement of passengers and freight. By bringing together a limited number of experts from the public and private sectors, the Outreach Events will generate new insights and fresh approaches to the subject matter. As an enabling agent of innovation and critical thinking about transportation systems and the diverse elements comprising them, the Center has a long and successful record of sponsoring events such as these.

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Distinguished Lecture Series

It is my pleasure to invite you to attend a lecture in a continuation of our Distinguished Lecture Series (formerly the 30th Anniversary Lecture Series). The series focuses on ways to ensure a continuing climate for transportation innovation and on the respective roles of government, industry, and academia in the 21st century transportation system. This activity continues the Volpe Center's long tradition of serving as a bridge between the diverse transportation community and enhancing the public good.

View upcoming and past lectures.

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FMCSA 2nd Annual Workshop

The Workshop is being sponsored by FMCSA's Office of Research and Technology (R&T), and held at the close of the Transportation Research Board's (TRB) Annual Meeting. The purpose of the Workshop is to (1) share the accomplishments of the Office of Research and Technology since the TRB annual meeting of 2001, (2) share information regarding specific research and technology projects completed during the calendar year, and (3) provide a forum where interested parties can express their views regarding the planned or proposed projects in the area of R&T. Visit the FMCSA 2nd Annual Workshop web site for more information.

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National Symposia on Transportation

Three National Symposia on Transportation were hosted by the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center as part of its 30th Anniversary celebration. The Symposia addressed three transportation topics of national interest: Public-Private Partnerships, Education and the Workforce, and Enabling Technologies.

The Symposia brought together public officials, researchers, academics, transportation professionals, members of the financial and legal communities, manufacturers, vendors, and other transportation stakeholders. Speakers and presentations provided valuable background information on the topics at hand, and used real-world examples to illustrate innovative technologies and techniques. Discussion groups and question-and-answer sessions provided opportunities for meaningful exchange of ideas and experiences. National Symposia on Transportation web site for more information.

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Friends of Volpe
Conversation Sessions and Forums

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) has on a recurring basis invited leaders in transportation-related enterprises, as well as those in science, technology and public policy, to aid in strategic planning for the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Since its inception in 1970, the Center has gained more and more recognition by government, industry, and academia as a focal point for the generation and interchange of knowledge and understanding concerning national and international transportation and logistics systems. Today it is widely valued as a national resource for dealing with cutting-edge issues across the whole spectrum of the transportation enterprise.

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Spirit of Innovation in Transportation

The Spirit of Innovation in Transportation conference was held on June 24-25, 1999 at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The conference was attended by former US Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater, former Deputy Secretary of Transportation Mortimer Downey, White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, US Secretary of Commerce William Daley, over 30 senior-level panelists and moderators, and nearly 400 attendees from industry, government, and academia. Visit the Spirit of Innovation in Transportation web site for more information.

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Research and Special Programs Administration