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Propellants & Hazardous
Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE)
Test Apparatus |
The White Sands
Test Facility (WSTF) has a wide variety of resources to draw upon
in assessing the fire, explosion, compatibility, and safety hazards
of hydrogen, oxygen, the hydrazine fuels, and nitrogen tetroxide.
The skills and techniques developed to assess these propellants
are also being utilized to analyze other propellants of current
interest such as hydrogen peroxide. But, our work doesnt
stop there. |
One of NASAs goals
under each of its four strategic enterprises is to transfer technology
to industry and the commercial sector. To meet this goal, the other
half of our work involves participation in standards organizations
such as ASTM and AIAA, documenting results in technical papers
and safety manuals, developing and delivering safety courses, and
performing hazards/failure analyses. |
Explosion from Hydrogen/Oxygen Vertical Impact Test |
For additional information
contact Harry Johnson, (505) 524-5723.
& Hazardous Fluids Home
Fluids | Analysis
| Testing | Technology
NASA-White Sands Test Facility
12600 NASA Road
Las Cruces, NM 88012
Web Accessibility and Policy Notices
Responsible NASA Official: Jim Krupovage
Curator: Judy Corbett
Last Updated:09/23/2002