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NOTE: Please be aware that any comments that you submit to the NRC will be considered a public record and entered into the agency's electronic recordkeeping system. For information about how NRC handles your comments, see our Privacy Policy.

Documents for Comment

NRC affords the public opportunities to comment on proposed rules and policies, licensing actions, and draft technical documents. Notice of an opportunity to comment will be announced in the Federal Register exit icon, here on the Documents for Comment page, and sometimes through press releases.

Types of documents open for comment:

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Rulemaking-Related Documents

The following documents are available for comment at our Rulemaking Forum pages. From these pages, members of the public may upload and e-mail comments to NRC and view the comments of others.

  • Rulemaking Plans - A preliminary outline of the scope and impact of the contemplated rulemaking action sufficient for the NRC approving official to determine whether the contemplated action is needed and desirable
  • Advanced Notices of Proposed Rulemaking - Advanced notice of NRC's intent to add or change a regulation (also known as a rule)
  • Proposed Rules - Information to inform the public that the NRC is considering adding, removing, or changing a regulation in a particular area and to request comment on the contemplated change
  • Draft Rule Text for Comment - Text that the NRC is considering but has not yet been issued as a proposed rule.
  • Proposed Policy Statements - Information to inform the public about a proposed new or changed policy statement that the Commission intends to adopt in a particular area and to request comment on the contemplated change
  • Direct Final Rules - A rule published first as a final rule with an accompanying statement explaining that the rule will take effect in a specified number of days unless the NRC receives a significant adverse comment within a specified number of days.
  • Final Rules and Policy Statements
  • NRC's Regulations (10 CFR)
  • Published Rules by Year
  • Regulatory Agenda (NUREG-0936) - A semiannual compilation of all rules on which the NRC has recently completed action, has proposed action, or is considered action and a summary of all pending petitions for rulemaking.
  • Rulemaking Petitions - Active - A request to the NRC from a member of the public to add, remove, or change a regulation
  • Rulemaking Petitions - Completed
  • Other Rulemaking-Related Comment Requests - Information to inform the public about changes in areas related to rulemaking that NRC is contemplating
  • Draft Regulatory Guides - Guidance to licensees and applicants on implementing specific parts of the NRC's regulations, techniques used by the NRC staff in evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, and data needed by the staff in its review of applications for permits or licenses

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Licensing-Related Documents

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Other Documents

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Last revised Tuesday, May 04, 2004