USGS, Earthquake Hazards Program - National Seismic Hazard Mapping (Link to USGS home page.)
National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project

Hazard Mapping Home Page

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Interactive Maps, 1996

Gridded Data Values,
modified Oct 29, 2003

Quaternary Fault and Fold Database, 2003

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Published Seismic Hazard Maps 1996

Info To view and print the postscript files from your browser, download, (free), the GSview utility. Postscipt versions of the maps are also available for downloading in the Anonymous FTP area (See GENERAL:Anonymous FTP.)

  • EOS, Volume 78, Number 5, February 4, 1997, New Map of Earthquake Hazards
    Peak Acceleration (%g) with 10% Probability of Exceedance in 50 Years, site: NEHRP B-C boundary
    (11"x17", landscape) GIFss, 38 kb; GIF, 124 kb; PS, 5 Mb

  • Pacific NW, Peak Ground Acceleration (%g), 2% Probability of Exceedance in 50 years,
    Reference Site Material - 760 m/sec shear wave velocity
    (8.5"x11", portrait) GIFss, 27 kb: GIF, 47 kb: PS, 4.6 Mb

PROJECT INFO: Home Page | Frequently Asked Questions | Info for the Layman | Current Earthquake Info | What's New | Home Page Graphics | Personnel | Mailing List
HAZARD MAPS: Published Maps, 1996 | Conterminous US, 1996 | Conterminous US, 2002 | California/Nevada, 1996 | Western US, 2002 | Central/Eastern US, 1996 | Central/Eastern US, 2002 | Hawaii, 2000 | Alaska, 1999 | Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands, 2003 | Custom Mapping, 1996 | Additional Maps, 1996 | GIS data, 1996 | Map Orders, 1996 | Interactive Maps, 1996
SEISMIC HAZARD: Conterminous US, Gridded Values, 1996 | Conterminous US, Gridded Values, 2003 | Hazard by Zip Code, 1996 | Hazard Curve files, 2002 | Hazard by Lat/Lon, 1996 | Hazard by Lat/Lon, 2002 | Deaggregations, 1996 | Interactive Deaggregation, 1996 | Interactive Deaggregation, 2002 | Uncertainties, 1996
MAP INFO: Documentation, 1996 Documentation, 2002 | Catalogs, 1996 | Seismicity Rates, 1996 | Seismicity Rates, 2002 | Fault Parameters, 1996 | Fault Parameters, 2002 | Quaternary Fault and Fold Database, 2003 | Hazard Software, 1996
DESIGN MAPS: NEHRP Maps, 1997, 2000 | IBC Maps, 2000, 2003 | IRC Maps, 2000, 2003 | Design Values, 1997
GENERAL: Anonymous FTP, 1996 | Anonymous FTP, 2002 | Publications | Publication Orders | Software, PRE-1996 | Damage Photos | Related Links
RELATED SITES: National Earthquake Information Center | Geologic Hazards | | Ground Motion | Multi-Hazard Mapping Initiative

U.S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior
E-mail: Web_Contacts
Last Modified: Friday, February 13, 2004 15:11
Maintained by: Nancy Dickman, Stan Hanson
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