United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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National Soil Interpretations Advisory Group (NSIAG)

The National Soil Interpretations Advisory Group (NSIAG) is a formally recognized, self-directed National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) group whose purpose is to provide coordination and guidance to the NCSS on existing and emerging issues regarding assessment, development, documentation, and maintenance of soil resource interpretations.

NSIAG was formed under the direction of the Director of the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Soil Survey Division in 2002. It is a multi-agency, geographically balanced group of individuals from federal agencies and academia whose members meet three times a year to work on current charges and develop new charges. The NRCS National Leader for Soil Interpretations serves as the sponsor's representative to the group. The Chair and Co-Chair/Secretary are elected on an annual basis. Members serve for three year terms.

Interpretation Issues

Proposed Issues -- abstracts of known or proposed issues

Active Issues -- draft analysis document and recommendations for on-going issues

Completed Issues -- analysis document and recommendations presented to national leadership

Business Documents

These documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat documentMeeting Minutes (55 KB) -- minutes from most-recent meeting
Adobe Acrobat documentFY04 Business Plan (17 KB) -- target issues and objectives for current fiscal year

NSIAG Members

List of Members -- names and contact information for current members

2003 Membership Photo


Minutes from past meetings, business plans, and other NSIAG-related documents are available as either electronic or printed documents. Please contact:

Karl Hipple, National Leader for Soil Interpretations
E-mail:  karl.hipple@nssc.nrcs.usda.gov
Phone:  402-437-5351