United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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National Hydric Soil Series List - Description

The National Hydric Soils List contains the soil series identified as hydric in the United States.


The hydsoil file contains various properties pertaining to the hydric soil criteria. The following is a brief description of the contents of this file.

Element No. Data Element Descriptive Name Type Max Length
1 hcri1 hydric criteria 1 Char 3
2 hcri2 hydric criteria 2 Char 3
3 hcri3 hydric criteria 3 Char 3
4 hcrit4 hydric criteria 4 Char 3
5 s5id SIR number Char 6
6 soilname series name Char 50
7 subgroup subgroup classification Char 45
8 temp temperature classification Char 15
9 drain drainage class Char 5
10 wtdepl high water table depth low Char 3
11 wtdeph high water table depth high Char 3
12 wtbeg high water table months begin Char 3
13 wtend high water table months end Char 3
14 perm permeability within 20 inches Char 5
15 flofreql flooding frequency low Char 10
16 flofreqh flooding frequency high Char 10
17 flodurl flooding duration low Char 10
18 flodurh flooding duration high Char 10
19 flobeg flooding months begin Char 3
20 floend flooding months end Char 3
21 foot1 footnote 1 Char 1
22 foot2 footnote 2 Char 1
23 foot3 footnote 3 Char 1

This file is sorted by soilname and s5id.

Footnotes (foot1, foot2, foot3)

Three footnote fields exist in this hydric soils file. An X in the corresponding footnote field means the footnote applies to the soil. The footnotes are as follows:

Footnote 1 -- Some soil interpretation records representing phases of this series are not hydric.

Footnote 2 -- Some phases of this soil are not frequently flooded of long duration.

Footnote 3 -- Some drainage classes for this soil are not hydric.


The hydcap file contains the non-irrigated land capability class and subclass for phases of of the hydric soils. The following is a brief description of the contents of this file.

Element No. Data Element Descriptive Name Type Max Length
1 soilname series name Char 50
2 s5id s5id Char 6
3 phyld phase sequence Char 2
4 caphase series phase Char 24
5 sclnirr capability class and subclass (non-irrigated) Char 2

This file is sorted by soilname, s5id, and phyld.